Part 41

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Changbin followed Jisung through the door of the bakery, still in disbelief of Jisung's lie. The bakery was empty, with no one behind the counter. Changbin almost didn't notice a girl laying in on the booths; She looked like she was sleeping.

"Is that Y/n?" Jisung said, walking over to look closer. 

Both boys peered over, hearing slight snores. Changbin smiled to himself, only able to think about how cute she looked. Jisung smiled too, but he was only thinking about how stupid she looked.

Both of them were pulled out of their thoughts by a boy returning to behind the counter. He smiled at them from the register, inviting them to come order.

"Changbin go order while I wake her up."

Changbin was about to protest, but stopped himself as he didn't want to make Jisung suspicious of anything. Instead, he forced himself to walk away. He hand't heard from Y/n, and he was worried about what that meant. She must realize it's me by now...Is she disappointed? 

Jisung decided the best way to wake Y/n up was to sprinkle water on her face. He pulled out his bottle from his bag, unscrewing the cap and gently tipping it over Y/n's head. His hands shook, and more than intended poured out onto the girl.

She sat up with a shock, wiping her face from the dripping water. She looked over at Jisung who was stood laughing with his hand on his stomach. He sat in the seat across from Y/n, just barely catching his breath.

"Sorry! I didn't mean for that much." He said, handing her napkins. Y/n just rolled her eyes and wiped her face, luckily the water mostly avoided her clothes.

"What are you even doing here?"

"Buying sweets for Jeongin, it's his comeback today."

She looked over at the counter, surprised to see Changbin ordering. She quickly looked away, her eyes wide. "You came with Changbin?"

Jisung furrowed his brows, clearly noticing her reaction. "What's up with you? Don't be weird."

"I'm not weird."

A moment of silence passed between them, Jisung skeptically looking at the girl. She awkwardly avoided eye contact, hoping her didn't ask any further questions. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Changbin.

"I got some cookies." He said, holding up a box with a ribbon tied around it. 

His gaze fell on Y/n, and he wondered if he should say anything. She seemed to be thinking the same thing, as she stared up at him silently. 

"Welp! We'll go then. See you at home." Jisung said, waving to Y/n and walking towards the door.

Changbin gave Y/n a small smile, unsure if she would return it. She gave a similar smile back, both of them feeling awkward and shy. 

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