Part 30

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Now that Y/n was warm and cozy, she began walking behind the boys while looking up at the sky to watch the stars. It wasn't long before she slammed into someone's back, startling her and causing her to stumble slightly.

Y/n looked down with a surprised face to see Jisung  looking at her with an annoyed frown. She laughed, knowing he stumbled as well.

"Look where you walk." He said, flicking her forehead and turning around. She caught Changbin giggling and her own smile dropped. She felt embarrassed for not looking where she was going and relieved it was only Jisung she bumped into. 

She continued walking but it wasn't long until Changbin fell into step beside her. "What were you looking at?" He asked, following her gaze.

"The sky. The stars are so pretty."

Changbin scoffed, looking up but unimpressed. "There are barely any stars here. You can't look at stars in the city you need to go to the country side."

"Even just one star looks nice to me."

"You know Jeongin? The other day he said to me 'I hope this song makes me a star.'"

The sudden change in conversation threw off Y/n a bit, and she looked over at Changbin before answering. He was looking up, his silver earrings giving off a slight shine.

"Jeongin? Isn't that I.N.?"

"Yeah, we are working on songs for his next album. Wait that's a secret.... oh well. He hasn't been able to get much attention from the public yet... "

At this, Chan turned around. "Are you talking about Jeongin? I saw him before I left work today; He said he got recognized at the convenient store for the first time." Chan had such a fond expression, it warmed  Y/n's heart to see how they all talked about him. 

"I've never been recognized like that." Changbin said as if stating a fact, not sounding happy or sad.

"Not as Spear B? I got recognized as before." Jisung said, beginning to tell the story. "I was at the store and-"

"Oh my god is that Spear B?!" Y/n said pointing at Changbin. She did an exaggerated gasp, pretending to be a fan. Jisung rolled his eyes, unable to finish his story and turned around to continue walking.

Y/n and Changbin continued with the bit, her pulling out her phone and pretending to take paparazzi photos. Changbin laughed and played along. He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. Chan laughed and shook his head, turning around to walk with Jisung once again.

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