Part 29

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"Yo Yo Yo I got something special." Jisung said in a joking tone, then point to a spot in the air. Running to catch up, Y/n pulled out the two blunts and held them up where Jisung was pointing. The siblings stood in a dramatic pose together, showing off what they had brought.

"Girl Bluntsss" Jisung said in a singing voice. Chan and Changbin chuckled at scene, Chan slightly shaking his head.

"You guys are too in sync." Chan said, walking past everyone to open the door.

"Why are they girl blunts?" Changbin asked, looking at them closely.

"He calls them that because it's mixed with lavender." Y/n said while shrugging and going to catch up with Chan.

She was the first one behind Chan to enter the small living room. Chan gestured to make themselves at home, Y/n opted to sit on one end of the couch, while Chan sat in a chair. The only seats left were the seat next to Y/n on the couch and a bean bag, sitting on the floor nearby.

Jisung walked into the room behind Changbin, and seeing the seats he wanted to take the one next to Y/n. He tried to push past Changbin, but he was oblivious to Jisungs efforts and sat on the other side of the couch. Not wanting to make a fuss against Changbin, Jisung rolled his eyes and sat in the bean bag.

Y/n looked over at Changbin, admiring his outfit. He was dressed in all black, which reminded Y/n of how Bin said he liked any dark color. No wonder Bin likes Spear B.

"Here, I'll just share one with Y/n." Jisung said, handing a blunt to Chan and Changbin.

Jisung handed Y/n the other and a lighter, letting her take the first hit.  After taking a couple inhales, she handed it back to Jisung, exhaling slowly. She hadn't noticed before, but Chan seem to have started playing some music, she looked and he was bobbing his head and thinking. He took a hit, then exhaled while leaning forward to talk to the group.

"Does it sound like something is missing from that?" He said, referencing the song that just played.

"I think the base should be stronger." Changbin suggested followed by his impersonation of a booming base.

Jisung shook his head and sat up. "No way, that would overpower the other aspects of the track."

Y/n just listened to them debate, she didn't know much about the subject but they sounded fascinating. She was impressed at the amount of thought that went into their music and enjoyed listening. She quickly felt the effects of the smoke. The familiar bliss filled her body and relaxed her shoulders. A smile formed on her face, and she held back a giggle. She looked around with heavy eyes, and everyone seemed to be in a similar state. She glanced at the room, observing the decor and layout. She nearly jumped as she turned and found Changbin staring right at her.

"Sorry all we can talk about is work. Does it annoy you?"

She smiled, receiving a smile back. Changbin looked really sweet compared to his dark clothes paired with strong muscles.  "It doesn't annoy me, I'm used to it from Jisung anyways. It's pretty interesting to hear you guys talk."

Changbin listened to the girl, her voice sounding slightly familiar. Where have I heard it before? Maybe she sounds like a girl version of Jisung? No... After thinking about, Changbin decided he couldn't tell.

"You know, my friend is a pretty big fan of you." She said, thinking about Bin.

Changbin's face immediately lit up, "Really?! They must really have sense." He spoke with a confident tone, clearly proud to show off in front of the others. Bin such a big fan he even talks like Changbin.. Y/n thought.

"Aren't you friends with my roommate?" He asked.

"Yeah! Felix and I know each other from Hyunjin."

"How come we've never met?"

"I never really go to your apartment, we usually hang out at a cafe or school. When I do go by you usually aren't home." She explained to him with a shrug.

"You know where I probably was?" He laughed, nudging her shoulder. "Here getting high."

Y/n started laughing at his joke, knowing it wasn't even that funny. She laughed because that's what she was doing too, getting high. Once she started laughing, it was difficult to stop. Every little thing just added onto it until she felt like she was non stop giggling. Changbin was in the same situation, earning looks from Chan and Jisung.

"What's funny? Did he make a joke?" Jisung asked, curiosity on his face. He had a habit of wanting to know anything anyone was laughing about after smoking,  wanting to be part of it. Neither Y/n or Changbin gave an answer, knowing he wouldn't even find it funny.

Suddenly, the flash of a camera went off at Jisung, and three all turned to Chan.

"Oops I didn't know that was on." Chan said, his voice lazy and slow. He was holding his phone up, a bit embarrassed he got caught taking a photo, causing Changbin and Y/n to laugh harder than before.

"Why did you take my photo? Delete it! I need to brush my hair!" Jisung complained.

Chan started laughing with Changbin and Y/n, and he could barely get the explanation out. Y/n started to impersonate Jisung, earning a pout from her brother and more laughs from Chan and Changbin.

"Minho asked me to send a photo of you! It was supposed to be secret." He eventually managed.

"Don't send him that! I probably look bad..."

"What's going on with you and Minho anyways?" Y/n asked. She hadn't had a chance to ask about the instagram post, although Jisung had told her excitedly about their plans.

"Nothing, we're just friends." It was clear that Jisung was feeling shy, and he had a small smile on his face.

"But he told me that you guys weren't dating YET." Changbin said.

"He was just joking for instagram! I think... I mean he never said he liked me or anything. We text a lot now, and yesterday he did go out of his way to bring me lunch in the studio. He said it wasn't any trouble if it was for me."

Y/n stared in disbelief, "You're so dense."

As the night went on, the four of them continued to laugh and talk. The weed had hit everyone hard, and Y/n struggled more than usual to form sentences.

"Guys." Chan said, sitting up clearly having an idea. "Let's go for a walk, and we can get ice cream at the convenient store down the road."

"Yes." Jisung pointed at Chan, nodding and standing up from his seat.

As they stepped outside, the cool air rushed over Y/n's face. Her t-shirt did little to keep her warm, and she crossed her arms. It was only just chilly, but she wished she had been able to bring her hoodie. She turned around at a tap on her shoulder, and saw Changbin holding out his hoodie.

"Here, you can wear it."

Y/n was surprised at the gesture, and felt a bit flustered. She looked at Jisung, but he was too busy talking to Chan. Y/n took the hoodie and slipped it over her head. The soft fabric was extremely comfortable, she could smell a faint scent of cologne. It was a bit oversized, but not enough to get in her way.

"Thanks. I couldn't bring mine cause it's dirty. Felix was borrowing it for so long." She explained.

It sounded so familiar to Changbin, it gave him slight de ja vu. He felt like he should know this story from somewhere, but it was to jumbled in his current state. He quickly forgot about it even sounding familiar, and just smiled at the girl instead.

"Cool." He said before walking away to catch up with Chan and Jisung.

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