Part 21

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The next morning, Y/n didn't text Bin. She wasn't sure what she would even say, and her mind felt too tired to think. Instead, she simply woke up and got ready for school, fighting her sleepiness the entire time. She had class with Hyunjin and Felix, so it was less of a pain than the day before.

The apartment was empty as Jisung had already left for work, so she was left silently eating her breakfast in the kitchen. Y/n stared at her phone screen, open to her messages from the night before. She clicked on the photo Bin had sent, staring at it much longer than she should have. She could barley even see him due to the mask and hat. This really could be anyone. She sighed and put her phone in her bag, not wanting to look at it anytime soon, and headed to campus.

When she arrived, she easily spotted Hyunjin and Felix seated at an outdoor table.

"Good morning!" She said, taking the seat beside them.

"Sunlight, Moonlight, Spotlight...TOGETHER!"

"You don't get tired of that?" Hyunjin asked Felix, laughing in disbelief.

"What's new with you?" Felix asked, ignoring Hyunjin and dancing to his rhyme.

"I couldn't sleep well last night." Y/n admitted. "Too much on my mind." She layed her head on the table, earning a pat on her back from Felix.

"Lucky for you I have this!" Hyunjin pulled an energy drink out of his bag and slid it across the table. "I was going to save it for later, but you can have it instead."

Y/n's eye lit up, and she quickly thanked Hyunjin, opening the drink and immediately taking large gulps.

"Actually, there is something new." Y/n smirked.

"It's like I bribed you! What is it?"

Y/n waved her hands, signaling the boys to lean closer. Despite knowing no one in the area would care, it added dramatic effect to her gossip.

"I think your boss has a crush on my brother. Have you seen the instagram post?"

Felix gasped and leaned back, looking at Hyunjin.

"I saw the comments on Minho's post!" He yelled.

The three of them continued to gossip about the topic, mostly speculating. Y/n didn't mention how she told Jisung to bate Minho with a post, that his business anyways. The only information she gave was what was on Minho's public instagram, which was plenty to get the three of them going.

"That explains why Minho was checking his phone all practice yesterday. I bet they've been texting!" Hyunjin laughed, the childish gossip uplifting their otherwise bleak morning.

Eventually, it was time for the trio to go to their class. As soon as they sat in their seats, Y/n's phone let out a ding.

good morning
why haven't you texted me yet?
youre awake right?

She stared at the messages, not expecting him to text her three times in a row. Before she could reply, the professor walked in a started the lecture. Y/n quickly put her phone away and made a mental note to text back later.

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