Part 7

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Y/n sighed and set her phone down. She took a deep breath to calm her beating heart. Bin's casual flirting had flustered her, and she hoped nobody noticed how red her cheeks seemed. The bench she sat on was perfectly in the sun, causing her to close her eyes and feel the warmth.

She decided to lay down and take a moment to gather herself. She couldn't seem to shake the fluttering feeling, the text from before still fresh in her mind. She used her bag as a pillow and laid across the bench.

It wasn't long until the soft sun rays seemed to disappear. Y/n opened her eyes, seeing two faces peering down. She broke into a smile at the boys over her, quickly sitting up and slinging her arms over both their shoulders.

"My sun got blocked and replaced by another." She said to the freckled one.

"Sunlight, Moonlight, and Spotlight.. TOGETHER!" Felix chanted, posing as if he was in a video game.

Y/n laughed at the silly nicknames. Felix was convinced it made them the perfect trio, to Y/n it made her feel like they were some sort of team from a children's show. Hyunjin burst into a pose of his just to match his energy, but Felix was the only one who ever referenced the names. He had come up with each name as he saw fit, saying that Y/n was the moon to his sun, and Hyunjin was the natural center.

"We just came back from JYP. Let's go grab lunch." Hyunjin suggested, already heading off in the other direction.

"I can't!" Y/n called, causing him to stop and turn. "I have another class remember? Just go without me." She said, sitting back onto the bench.

"How long until your class?" Felix asked. "You shouldn't skip meals."

"It's in like ten minutes."

"Okay let's eat after your class then, Felix and I can just hang out while we wait."

"No way! After we all need to have a study sesh." Felix protested.

Hyunjin and Y/n both groaned, neither one wanting to take part.

"How about you two go eat, I'll go to class, and then after we can go study at a cafe."

"Kim's Cafe.." Hyunjin and Felix said in unison, already day dreaming about the sweets sold there. The 3 of them spend most of their free time there; It was so close to campus and had the best sweets and drinks in the entire city. Lucky for them, it was mostly undiscovered. This made it the perfect scene to hang out and avoid crowds.

"Right! Plan made. You guys will meet me back here?" Y/n asked, picking her bag up and slinging it over her shoulder.

The two boys agreed, and she waved them goodbye before heading to class. Although it was wishful thinking, Y/n couldn't stop herself from checking her text for anything new. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a notification.

Can i have some rolling paper later?
i ran out

She rolled her eyes and tsked. She hoped Bin had messaged her, but instead her brother was just taking her things again. She didn't bother to reply, Y/n figured he didn't need to know until later anyways. She huffed before sitting down in in the lecture hall, hoping class would pass quickly.

After what felt like an eternity, class finally ended and she was the first out the door. As soon as she was out of the stuffy room she felt more energized. Her eyes lit up seeing her two friends already waiting, and she quickly ran to meet them.

"Let's goooo!" She called, dragging them each by their hands forwards towards the direction of the cafe.

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