Part 89

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Y/n snuggled into her covers, happy to be home and in bed. She smiled thinking of the days events, wondering if Changbin was also thinking of her. She was scrolling on her phone when she heard her door creak open. Looking up, she could see Jisung peaking his head in.

"Y/n." He whispered into the dark. "What are you doing?"

"It's like 3 in the morning what do you think I'm doing?"


"Not yet."

"Cool." Jisung said, inviting himself into the room and closing the door behind him.

The glow from Y/n's phone lit up the room just enough for them to see, and Jisung made his way over to her bed. He climbed into the open space and got under the blankets next to Y/n, who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Jisung what are you doing?"


"Get out of my bed."

"Come on we used have sleepovers like this all the time."

"When I like 6."

Jisung just rolled his eyes, ignoring her protest. He squinted at her, then pulled out his phone to shine the flashlight on her face. She flinched away, the bright light hurting her eyes.

"Are you high?" He said, looking at her bloodshot eyes.

"Super. Are you?"


Jisung turned his light off and pulled the blankets to his chin, getting as comfortable as he could.

"Wait who did you go out and smoke with?" He suddenly asked, sitting up.

"I dont want to tell you." Y/n said with a shrug, continuing to scroll on her phone.

"Don't be like that Y/n, you can tell me anything."

Y/n put her phone down, sighing to herself but not saying anything. She briefly thought about telling Jisung about Changbin, just rip off the band aid. However she didn't want to face that problem just yet. She was snapped out of her thought by Jisung speaking again.

"Was it your crush? Is there a boy you like?"

"Yeah." Y/n admitted. Jisung opened his mouth to speak, but Y/n quickly cut him off. "Don't even ask who."

Silence passed between them, and for a second Y/n wondered if Jisung had fallen asleep. 

"Hey Y/n." Jisung spoke, "Remember that time you had a school recital, and mom was away on a trip but dad promised he would go?"

Y/n scoffed, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Yeah and then he didn't show up?" 

"But I did. And you cried the whole way home on my shoulder."

"You were sooo mad I got snot all over your shirt." Y/n said laughing slightly, remembering how Jisung had whined. "I was... what? 10 years old?"

"I wasn't ACTUALLY mad... Plus you really stained it." Jisung said, chuckling along. "But the thing is, I still think of you like that; someone who needs my shoulder to cry on." 

Y/n was surprised at Jisung's words. He rarely got sentimental and she wasn't sure how to respond. She was used to his teasing and bickering.

"Jisung why are you suddenly getting so emotional?" She said, trying to lighten the mood between them.

"Man it's just this stuff with Changbin and now you have a crush on someone... It freaks me out to see you acting so grown up."

Y/n didn't reply, instead she just thought about what he had said. She knew that he wasn't expecting her to respond, Jisung had just wanted to get it off his chest. Jisung turned onto his side, struggling to say awake much longer. He felt even more relaxed due to the joint he smoked by himself.

"I get it." Y/n said finally, turning over so their backs were facing each other. They whispered goodnight before drifting to sleep.

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