Part 110

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The next morning, Y/n woke to see Changbin sleeping peacefully. She smiled, he looked so cute laying there. She crept out of the bed, carful not to wake the sleeping boy. Once standing, she quietly slipped out the door. She was hungry, and knew the kitchen well enough to serve herself.

She passed by the living room, seeing Felix and Hyunjin sleeping on a pallet of blankets. They were laying at odd angles, Felix still with a controller in hand. A few empty soju bottles were sitting on the floor nearby, and the TV still had the 'choose your character' screen from smash. 

Y/n laughed, seeing that they clearly fell asleep while playing. She went to turn the TV off for them, making sure not to step on any fingers. When she turned around she found Felix rubbing his eyes, slowly sitting up.

"Y/n? What time is it?"

"It's still early, I woke up to get some food."

"You're hungry? Here." Felix said, reaching behind him and handing Y/n an open bag of chips. It wasn't what she had in mind, but she shrugged and sat next to Felix on the floor.

"These are sort of stale." She said, putting another handful in her mouth.

Hyunin started to move then, stretching without opening his eyes. Y/n and Felix both tapped their feet against him as a signal to get up and sit with them. 

Hyunjin protested, but eventually sat up, rubbing his eyes. 

"My head hurts a bit." He complained. "Where is Changbin?"

"He's sleeping."

"Was he upset after Jisung left?" Felix asked Y/n, referencing the previous night. 

Surprisingly, Changbin had very little reaction to the situation. He laughed off the cake, finding the situation ridiculous. Between them, Y/n seemed to be the only one worried. Changbin just rolled his eyes, calling Jisung immature and saying he would get over it.

"Actually, I think he handled it well." She with nod.

"Well I am freaking out." Hyunjin said with wide eyes, looking between the two. Felix and Y/n both looked at each other, making the same doubting expression about Hyunjin.

"Why are you freaking out?" Y/n asked, Felix adding onto her point. "Yeah you are like furthest removed from the situation. He's my roommate."

"I am not the furthest removed! I was right here as witness! And remember in high school Y/n, Jisung argued with me every time I came over to hang out with you! I totally relate to Changbin." Hyunjin defended.

Y/n just laughed, Hyunjin not exactly being wrong. Felix hit Hyunjin lightly with a pillow, rolling his eyes. Once they calmed down, Y/n spoke again.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"I think Changbin is right, Jisung will calm down after some time." Felix pointed out.

Y/n sighed, hoping he was right.

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