Part 120

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Y/n stepped into the room, filled with various people milling about. It was a huge space, everything decorated to be classy. A few waiters milled about holding appetizers on platters, and Y/n couldn't wait to try them. She glanced at Changbin, only to find he was already looking at her. He was smiling fondly, looking especially handsome in his suit. She returned the smile, a slight blush on her face.

"Now I'm certain," He said, leaning in to whisper. "You're the most beautiful person here."

Her blush grew, taken aback by his closeness and words. "You weren't certain before?" Y/n teased, walking away with a wink. He grinned, following close behind.

Soon they found Hyunjin and Seungmin, and Y/n ran to hug them.

"You guys!" She said, pulling away. "This is so fancy!"

"I know right! The company went all out for Jeongin." Hyunjin said.

"I really want to try one of those fancy foods..." Y/n said looking out at the crowd. Nobody had made there way to her yet with a platter of snacks.

Changbin smilled, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her in for a kiss on the head. "I'll go get some for you." He said, walking off towards the waiters.

Hyunjin and Seungmin both smilled teasingly, making Y/n blush and roll her eyes.

"You're just jealous my boyfreind takes care of me." She put her hand up, stopping them before they could make any jokes.

"Well my boyfriend is cuter." Hyunjin said, making both Y/n and Seungmin raise an eyebrow.

"Who's your boyfriend? Not me." Seungmin said.

"What?! Youre not?!" Hyunjin was in disbeleif now, his mouth dropping open.

"You didn't ask me out."

"It's not just unsaid?"

"Nope. I'm going to find Jeongin, I havn't congratulated him yet." Seungmin said, walking away and leaving Y/n and Hyunjin alone.

"He's really not my boyfriend? Dang.."

Y/n laughed at her friend. "All you have to do is ask. By the way, where is Felix?" Y/n had been scanning the crowd but unable to find him.

"He's probably off with Chan. They have been together all night"

Y/n thought about it, Felix and Chan. They made a pretty good match, so she nodded her head in approval. "Good for him, actually finding someone like he said he would."

Changbin walked around the venue, filling up his large plate with the various finger foods. He ignored the strange looks he got for hoarding so much, only caring about bringing it back to Y/n.

As he looked for more waiters, he saw Jisung slipping out a side door. Confused, he followed him. Once Changbin opened the door, he found Jisung sitting in an empty hallway. It looked like staff used the hallway to get too and from the venue. Jisung looked up with wide eyes, but relaxed when he saw it was just Changbin.

"Hey." Changbin said, unsure exactly what to do.

"Uh.. Hey."

"What are you doing out here?"

"It's a bit crowded in there, I need a break."

Changbin nodded, sitting on the ground besides Jisung. He set the plate of snacks down on the floor, hoping no bugs would crawl up.

"Congratulations on your song by the way." Changbin said.

"Thanks.. What's that food for?"

"It's for Y/n..." Changbin said sheepishly, also making Jisung chuckle.

"Why am I not surprised; Of course she would have eyes for the snacks."

A silence passed between them, Changbin being the first to break it.

"Can we just go back to being friends Ji?"

Jisung looked up at Changbin, thinking about his answer.

"Yeah. We can."

Suddenly the door opened, Changbin and Jisung both snapping their heads to look. They found both Y/n and Hyunjin peering in with curious faces.

"You thought you could run away with my food?" Y/n said, taking a seat on the floor next to them.

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