Part 92

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Y/n walked happily to Changbin's car, opening the door and sitting in the passenger seat. He smiled brightly at her, one hand still holding the steering wheel. He wore a black t-shirt that fitted to his muscles perfectly and matched his dark wavy hair.

"Ready to go study?" He said, taking the car out of park and beginning the drive.

The nearest library wasn't huge, but it was perfect for studying. Once inside Changbin and Y/n made their way to table towards the back. It wasn't a busy time of day, with only a handful of people either browsing books or sitting quietly at a table of their own.

She pulled out her papers and pens, spreading them out and organizing what she would need. Changbin just sat, watching each of her movements.

"Okay." She said, turning to face him. "Ready to help me?" She said, picking up the rubric from her stack of papers. She read the directions and criteria out loud, then looked at Changbin expectantly. She waited to hear his ideas and suggestions.

Instead he just stared, pursing his lips. "Hm. I'm not sure I know about that." He said.

"What?! But you said you would help me..."

"I'll help you in spirit. Right here, I'm your emotional support." He said jokingly. "While you work on that, I'll just work on some beats." He said, pulling out his laptop and planting a quick kiss on top of Y/n's head for luck. She blushed at the action, but hid it by sighing and turning to her homework.

The two of them worked side by side, simply enjoying each others presences when Y/n was pulled out of her thoughts by the seat across from her was suddenly taken. Her and Changbin looked up to see Hyunjin sitting their table, pouting.

"Hyunjin? What's wrong?" Y/n asked, setting her pen down.

"I haven't heard a word from Seugnmin, and you saw his post? He's been out with Jeongin. I'm so glad I ran into you here, I need a friend." Hyunjin said, reaching across the table to take hold of Y/n's hands.

Changbin narrowed his eyes at the gesture, but decided against saying anything.

"I think he just needs some time. It's a lot to process." Y/n said in attempt to give him reassurance. 

Hyunjin just sighed, looking betwen Y/n and Changbin. "What are you guys even doing here?" He said, now skeptical.

Y/n looked at Changbin, who met her eyes. He titled his head, waiting to hear how she would answer him. She stuttered, unsure what to say, making Hyunjin raise his eyebrow. She took a deep breath, pulling Hyunjin's hands towards her causing him to lean forward.

"This stays between us and I mean it." She whispered yelled, almost as a threat. "We are on a study date."

Hyunjin gasped and put a hand over his mouth. His surprised expression soon turned into a smile a he looked at the couple across from him. Changbin smirked, happy with Y/n's response. He leaned forward to match Y/n and Hyunjin, deciding to add to Y/n's answer.

"She's my girlfriend." He said proudly, gesturing to Y/n. This earned another gasp from Hyunjin, who now leaned back in his seat giggling.

"Oh my gosh. I KNEW this would happen. Am I the first to know? As your best friend Y/n, I'm honored."

"Yeah you're welcome. DON"T say anything to Felix and definitely not Minho, we will tell them on our own."

"My lips are sealed." Hyunjin said, motioning a zipper across his mouth. "Have fun on your date." He said with a wink before getting up and leaving.

Changbin went back to the work on his laptop, Y/n leaning her head on his shoulder comfortably while reading from her text book.

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