Part 50

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Y/n knocked on the door to Hyunjin's apartment. She could already hear shouting and laughter behind the door meaning they had started drinking without her. She could feel the effects of her brother's blunt, making her not anymore sober than they were.

"Y/n!!!" Hyunjin said, opening the door wide. Drinking always gave them more energy, especially Seungmin who was  waving excitedly to Y/n. They each threw and arm around her, Hyunjin leaning in to speak.

"I can smell you've been smoking." He said with a mischievous smile.

She laughed, smiling back. "I can smell you've been drinking."

It wasn't long before the three were sitting around the table, shot glasses lined in front of Y/n. The boys laughed and counted down for Y/n to finish the drinks before they reached 0. She laughed too, barely able to focus on drinking. 

"Y/n are you going to talk to Changbin at the party? Forget about the weird texting dude." Hyunjin said.

Seungmin gasped slightly, nodding knowingly. "I know all about this. Y/n should talk to Changbin."

She shook her head, dissmissing their words. "I won't avoid him but I'm not going to seek him out. And I won't forget about the texting dude, I told you I'm interested in him not Changbin."

"Oh please, I haven't seen you text him in so long." Hyunjin said.

Seungmin suddenly sat up with a chuckle, nodding his at Y/n. "Y/n and I are on the same page. You like the guy on text, who is definitely NOT Changbin."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Before either could continue, Y/n slammed more drinks down in front of them. "Who knows what he's saying, you haven't had enough drinks!"

The boys both laughed, agreeing and drinking the last of their alcohol. After finishing, they stood up energetically and headed to Changbin's and Felix's apartment.

When they got there, they could clearly hear music playing and people talking/shouting on other side of the door.

"Doesn't he care about his neighbors?" Seungmin said, pushing the unlocked door open and stepping in. It was dark, the only light coming from lamps around the space. More people had come than Y/n thought, and she was surprised Felix even knew that many. The air was slightly foggy, the strong smell of weed and alcohol hitting Y/n instantly.

"You guys! Guys!" Felix yelled, quickly hurrying towards them. "You finally made it!"

"How do you know all these people?" Y/n asked, giving him a hug as a greeting.

"I'm more popular than you think!" He said, winking. 

"Were going to find Jeongin." Hyunjin said gesturing to himself and Seugnmin. "I HAVE to introduce Seungmin." 

Felix waved them off before turning back to Y/n with a smirk. "Changbin is over there, I told him you guys were coming and ever since he's been watching the door." 

Y/n followed his eyes to the other side of the room, where she saw Changbin sitting next to Chan on the couch. He was laughing at something Chan had said, making Y/n instantly feel shy. The sight of him was enough to sober her up, her heart instantly pounding when he turned his head to meet her eyes.

Felix looked between the two, starting to giggle.

"I need more drinks." Y/n said.

"Me too." Felix replied, pulling her towards the kitchen while laughing.

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