Part 24

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After a long day of work, Changbin finally returned to his apartment. He debated sending a message to Nabi, but wasn't sure what to say. She had made him more flustered than he wanted to admit. Changbin groaned and ruffled his hair, mind racing about the mysterious girl.

Why did Felix have her named as 'Moonlight'? It really could be anyone... I hope she won't  be mad about me hiding my identity. Maybe I'll never have to tell her, the random number is just one huge coincidence. No that wouldn't work! I can't lie to her forever.

Frustrated, Changbin picked up the glass pipe sitting on his nightstand. He checked the bowl, seeing that there was still unburnt herb. Satisfied, he grabbed the lighter and inhaled deeply. The smoked flowed out of his mouth in a thick cloud, only taking a few moments to relax his body. He decided to listen to some music, but before pressing play he heard some sounds from the hallway. He ignored it and turned on his stereo, bobbing his head along to the track.

Y/n followed Felix into the apartment, determined to finally get her hoodie back.

"Where is the hoodie Felix?" She said, moving ahead of him to get a head start looking in his closet.

"Can't I borrow it a little longer? It's the perfect thing to binge tv in!" He said in protest.

"That's exactly why I want it back!"

She passed by Changbin's room, hearing the music playing inside. 

"Do you smell that?" She said, looking towards the room.

"Oh it's Changbin." Felix waved her off, taking the lead and opening his bedroom door. She shrugged and followed him inside.

Changbin felt a small sense of bliss from the little amount he smoked, making the music sound even better. It wasn't long before he started to feel hungry. He frowned, thinking about what he could eat. Bread with peanut butter really sounds good.. He thought, standing up and heading to the kitchen.

Y/n finally held her missing hoodie in her hands, extremely excited about the reunion. She was on her way out, when she caught a glimpse of Changbin walking by and into the kitchen. He took the ingredients out of the cupboard and began making his snack, not looking up at Y/n and Felix once. She was pretty sure he didn't realize they were there, and continued her conversation with Felix, trying not to stare. 

She had never met him before, but suddenly she couldn't help but think he looked pretty handsome. Y/n never noticed his muscles before, but in his t-shirt they were clear as day. Bin did say that Spear B was the coolest she thought, curiously sneaking glances over Felix's shoulder to peak at Changbin

Changbin stood oblivious as he hummed a tune quietly to himself. I'll just eat a slice while I make it. He took a slice of bread and began eating it before continuing to spread the peanut butter. One slice with peanut butter isn't enough I should make two. And I'll just eat a slice while I make it. After preparing the two slices with peanut butter, he stared at the bag of bread. And I should take one plain slice to eat after my two slices.

It wasn't long until Changbin noticed the bag of bread gradually shrinking. After catching himself, he quickly stopped and put the bread away. Shaking his head and laughing at himself slightly, feeling like anything could make him giggle.

It was then he heard Felix standing at the front door, saying his goodbyes with someone. Has he been there the whole time? He thought, peaking up to see who it was. Instead, he saw Felix closing the door, turning around with a sad expression.

"Who was that?" Changbin asked.

"My friend took back her hoodie..." Felix said in a mockingly sad voice, moping back to his bedroom.

Took her hoodie back? NO WAY! Changbin's eyes widened and he immediately started cursing himself. Did I really just miss seeing Nabi?!

He quickly went back to his room, grabbing his phone and sending a text.

wyd rn

I just left my friends house
He finally gave me my hoodie back

Changbin sighed at the message, flopping down onto his bed. It had confirmed what he wished wan't true, that he had the perfect opportunity to meet her but somehow didn't notice. He felt envious that Felix was even wearing her hoodie in the first place. Changbin thought back to the day she called, when Felix was wearing the hoodie. At the time he had thought it belonged to Felix, and even told the freckled boy how he liked it and thought it was stylish.

Don't tell me youre giving other guys your hoodies

does that bother you?

the truth is
i can be a bit jealous

well a bit isnt bad

since you wont stop asking fine ill tell you
I can be a bit more than a bit jealous

next time ill give you my hoodie

from now on you can only share it with me

only you can wear my hoodies
since your so clingy

but you like it dont you?

i never said that

but youre not denying
i know you so well Nabi

thats what you think

you dont agree?

you still have a lot to learn

thats exciting!
i cant wait to know more about you <3
my friends are saying i have a crush on you

you told your friends about me?

they see me always texting
but i only want you to myself

i can see how youre the jealous type

is that your type?

not completely

then what is?


Changbin practically threw his phone at the message. When did she get so flirty?!  

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