Part 14

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Y/n lay, smiling at the messages on her phone when the door to her room bust open.

"Do you ever knock?!" She said to Jisung, who welcomed himself in and laid down next to her.

"You didn't text me back this afternoon. What are you doing?"

He said, leaning over to look at her phone screen. She quickly turned it away from his view, hoping he didn't see anything.

"Y/n why are you being so secretive these days? Are you texting a boy or something?" Jisung said furrowing his brows and reaching for her phone. She moved it away again and scowled.

"Why are you being so nosy these days?" She retaliated as he continued to try to grab it.

"Come on just let me see. Who are you so interesting in texting? I saw your post you know."

Jisung kept reaching for the phone but Y/n moved it further and further away. Eventually she was getting out of her bed and going to the other side of the room.

"Jisung! Just take some rolling paper and go away!" She said, not in the mood to deal with his antics. She knew if she told him anything he would either become overly protective or overly curious. Y/n would rather just keep Bin to herself for now.

Jisung finally stopped trying to take her phone and sat in her chair instead.

"Fine." He huffed, waiting for her to get it out.

"Who are you smoking with?" She asked while handing it to him.

"Chan and Changbin; Chan is waiting in the car for me." Jisung said while heading for the door.

"Get home safe!" She called as he left, not bothering to close the door behind him. She sighed and made her way across the room to close it. She looked back at her phone, wondering if Bin would send anymore messages.

Soon Chan and Jisung stood outside Changbin's apartment, knocking on the door. He opened it quickly, dressed in a black sweater and sweatpants, his hair covered by a baseball cap.

"I got the paperrr." Jisung said as Changbin pushed past, walking outside and closing the door. Now that everyone had been picked up, the three drove to Chan's house. Chan was the only one of the three that lived alone, and his place had become their personal hang out. He rented a small condo, it wasn't enough for more than one person to live there, but he had made it his own.

They made their way inside, settling onto the couch. It wasn't long before the room filled with smoke and everyone's eyes seemed to only open halfway.

"You know," Chan said, adjusting the beanie on his head. "I heard from Minho that Jeongin is starting to work on a new album... That means were going to be asked to write a few of the tracks."

"Do we have to talk about work? We only just left that place." Changbin groaned.

Jisung spoke up, leaning forward to look between the two. "I already have ideas for his songs, I got some lyrics and even the start of a couple beats."

"Really?!" Chan said, looking excited for his friend. "Then you should submit some samples! That would help push the schedule along!"

"Where did Minho hear it from? Did he asked to choreograph for him?" Asked Changbin.

Chan thought for a moment, not to sure on the answer. "I know he's choreographing.. but he didn't say if that's why he knew about this.."

"What did you do to get so close to Minho?" Jisung asked.

Changbin smiled, knowing that Jisung was asking for personal reference. Chan also could tell, and a knowing grin formed on his face.

"You know Jisung, I started by talking to him." Chan said before laughing, causing Changbin to laugh too.

Jisung smiled wide, playing along with his friends teasing nature. He hit each of them on the shoulder as they kept giggling.

"Don't worry Jisung I'll invite him to lunch again." Chan offered, throwing a playful wink. Jisung and Chan both looked to Changbin for his reaction, but found him staring at his phone. They called his name a couple of times, but he ignored them.

"Changbin! What are you doing?" Chan asked, finally causing the younger to look up.

"Oh, I'm thinking of a text to send." He said with a shy smile.

Jisung perked up, wanting to know more. "Who? The person from earlier? Who is it?" He asked repeatedly.

Changbin suddenly felt as if he gave up too much information. He shook his head, mumbling "Nevermind."

Jisung sat back, a suprised look on his face. "Wow. I'm getting De Ja Vu" He said with wide eyes and looking around the room. "Y/n is being secretive too. I think she has a crush on someone ugly and is embarrassed to show me."

"Are you ever going to introduce us to her?"

Jisung looked at Chan, then looked at Changbin. He looked them up and down, deciding what his answer would be. Jisung could be a bit protective, and he didn't really love introducing her to any guys.

"I don't think so." He said, leaning back with a huff.

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