Part 28

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After a few minutes, Y/n followed Chan and Jisung out to the car.  She noticed Changbin wasn't there, but didn't want to ask. She was starting to feel nervous about intruding on their hangout. From what she heard about Chan, Y/n knew he was genuine and just being friendly. 

"I call front seat! Get in the back Y/n." Jisung said, rushing in front of her to get the front seat of the car. 

"Jisung! Let her have the front, you have no manners." Chan said disapprovingly. 

"No way she's sitting up here with you. Y/n sit in the back and pretend you're in a luxurious taxi ride." Without another word, Jisung got into the front seat, securing his spot.

Chan looked to Y/n, shrugging with an apolgetic look. She got in back seat, kicking away a few pieces of trash on the floor. 

"Not very luxurious." She grumbled, crossing her arms. Chan looked a little embarrassed, but laughed it off. Jisung just reached back flicked her head, telling her not to complain.

"I'll tell Changbin we are on the way." Jisung said, pulling his phone out to send a text.

"Are we picking him up?" Y/n said leaning forward. Her mind went back to seeing him in the kitchen the other day,  she was curious to hang out with him.

"No, he wanted to drive himself." Chan answered. Y/n leaned back in her seat, sighing and pulling out her own phone. She checked her messages, seeing she had a couple from Bin.

dont worry and just wait for the results
hurry up and text me back
im so bored

Oh right.. i had almost forgotten about my stupid exam.

im not going to think about my grades for the rest of the night
why are you bored?
didnt you have plans with your friends

they are taking so long
ive been waiting outside their house

now im worried youre a stalker

they were supposed to meet me here ten minutes ago!
do you have plans tonight?

now i do
i just got invited
but i've never met the people

Y/n decided not to mention she was going to hang out with 3Racha, she knew Bin was a fan and didn't want to make him freak out.

youre meeting with strangers?
i should be there to make sure
nothing goes wrong

dont worry 
not all of them are strangers

if you were free i wouldve invited you to join me

but youre not free either

one of my friends is bringing someone
so i wanted to bring you
plus hes bringing his sister
so you could talk with her
you shouldnt talk to my friends too much

why not?

isnt it obvious?
you cant get too close with other guys
theres only me now

oh no
but im hanging out with guys tonight

Nabi whyyy
im going to be jealous all night now

dont worry
ill only think of you <3

i feel better already
have fun baby~

Y/n stared at the message on her phone. Baby?! BABY?! Why is he saying that all of a sudden? She put her phone down, and looked up at Chan and Jisung. She hoped they couldn't notice how flustered she felt, but instead she saw Jisung turned around in his seat, glaring at her.

"Who were you texting?" He asked.

Y/n struggled to think of an answer in time, causing her brother to frown.

"Y/n! It better not be that stranger guy!" He said, reaching for the phone. "I told you to block him!"

She pulled away, arguing back. "Mind your business! That wasn't me, I told you that was Hyunjin."

"Do you think I'm stupid?!" Jisung said, practically climbing down the middle of the car. Y/n leaned back to get away, pushing and kicking her feet at him.

"YAH YAH STOP!" Chan yelled, causing the siblings to freeze and sit back properly. "Don't fight while I'm driving. You two are like children." Chan lectured them both, successfully mediating the situation.

Y/n felt embarrassed she got lectured her first time meeting Chan, she didn't want him to regret bringing her along. It was Jisung's fault anyways she thought, not wanting to look anywhere but out of the window. She saw them pulling into a slightly run down neighborhood, and it wasn't long before the car parked and everyone got out. She saw a figure stand up from the steps, stretching his legs and waving them over.

"It took you guys long enough." Changbin said.

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