Part 18

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j1.ji its a bit lonely at night, cant someone keep me company?


chris97 you were insisting i take you home
        spear_b @ chris97 he doesnt want us
        j1.ji @ chris97 @ spear_b luv you both

Lknow im available

Lknow im available

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Liked by Kim.S and others

y.nn current mood


hhyun.jin what does this mean
          y.nn @ hhyun.jin nervous, distress behind the eyes, a bit in shambles
          hhyun.jin @ y.nn you got all that from the cat?!

feelixx get it together girl

feelixx get it together girl

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feelixx roomie <3 @ spear_b


hhyun.jin how many times can you post him
         y.nn @ hhyun.jin it's basically a fan page

spear_b our cuteness combined
          Kim.S @ spear_b Im going to throw up
          spear_b @ Kim.S ?!? who even are you !?
          feelixx @ spear_b @ Kim.S Seungmin is just jealous

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