Part 52

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Y/n went to Changbin's room, hoping she could remember where it was. Luckily, when she opened the door she found four boys on the other side. Chan was spinning back and forth in Changbin's desk chair, leaving Changbin to sit on his bed. Jisung and Minho were both sitting on the floor, a game of jackstones going on between them. She walked over and sat on the other side of the bed, giving Changbin a small smile. He already had a burning joint in his mouth, he smiled and handed it to her.

"Y/n is actually so good at this game." Jisung said, gesturing for her to sit next to him. She looked at Changbin apologetically before sliding off the bed and settling on the floor. She took a deep inhale, enough to make her cough slightly before passing the blunt to Minho. She learned forward getting ready to play.

"Jisung's right. Someone play me."

Chan sat up, interested in the conversation. "She should play Changbin, he's the best out of us."

"Make a bet out of it." Minho said, smoke flowing from his breath.

Changbin smiled, hopping of the bed and sitting across from Y/n. "Loser has to do aegyo."

Chan and Jisung instantly cringed, Minho laughing at the thought.

"I could not handle seeing aegyo right now." Chan said, his eyes bloodshot and heavy.

"I can't decided who's would be worse." Jisung said, a dramatic look of disgust on his face.

"It's not even punishment he loves aegyo!" Minho laughed, shaking his head. Y/n laughed as well, having a hard time imagining it. She looked at Changbin dressed in dark clothes with toned muscles, wondering why someone like him loved acting cute. 

"I need to see this. Even if it's the cringiest thing i've ever seen." She said, picking up the stones and starting the game. "First to 15 points wins."

As they played, Y/n couldn't stop herself from admiring Changbin. She found it strangely attractive how well he played. It was definetly impressive, as she was struggling to keep her reflexes up and eyes focused. Changbin watched her, admiring her outfit and smile. His mind was foggy from drinking and the smoke, it was hard for him to focus on the game with her so nearby.

To his surprise, Y/n reached 15 points while he was left at 11. She celebrated, giving high fives to Jisung and Minho. Changbin dramatically cried out, laying on the floor defeat. As much as he liked aegyo, doing it in front of Y/n was embarrassing.

The others gathered to watch, waiting with smiles of anticipation. 

"ᵈᵃ ᵈᵃ ᵈᵃ" He said, poking his finger into his pouting cheek.

Everyone burst into laughs, dying from Changbin's baby voice and expression. Changbin put his head in his hands, refusing to meet their eyes.

"No No I can't be here anymore!" Chan said laughing, running out the room into the rest of the party.

Y/n fell over onto Jisung from laughing, who was also struggling to stay up right. Minho was next to stand up, reaching for Jisung's hand. 

"Ji let's go, I need a drink after seeing that." 

Jisung took his hand, agreeing and following him out the door. Jisung was too focused on Minho to think twice about leaving his sister alone with Changbin.

Before she knew it, Y/n was left with Changbin, each of them sitting across from each other on the floor. She stopped laughing, only being able to hear the muffled music from outside. When Changbin finally looked up, he saw that he was suddenly on his own with the girl.

"What's up?" He said, a poor attempt at starting conversation.

Y/n wasn't sure how to answer, but she didn't want to avoid the elephant in the room. She knew by coming to this party she's have to break her silence to him, and the alcohol was giving her a surge of confidence.


Changbin felt his heart beat faster, if that was even possible. "Hi Nabi."

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