Part 49

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The afternoon before the party, Y/n laid on her bed, millions of scenarios running through her mind. She decided not to avoid Changbin at the party, although she still wasn't sure what she say to him. She got up and looked at he closet, wondering what the perfect outfit would be. She didn't want to get too dressed up, she wanted something that said she was casual and cool. She was playing with different combinations of shirts, jackets, shorts, pants, growing frustrated that nothing seemed to be working, when her phone chimed.

hyunjin <3
me and seungmin pregaming l8r
you wanna come?

i still cant even find an outfit

hyunjin <3
are you trying to impress someone?

hyunjin youre my bestfriend but 
you cant keep a secret for shit

hyunjin <3

im proud of the amount youve kept
and disheartened by the amount you haven't

hyunjin <3
see you at my place?

yeah ill come

Y/n went back to her closet, eventually settling on an outfit that made her feel confident. She decided to head to Hyunjin's, going to Jisung's room to tell him she's leaving. Opening his door, the smell of grass and smoke hit her.

"I'm going to Hyunjin's to pregame. Are we riding home together from the party?"

Jisung spun around in his chair, taking a blunt from his mouth and exhaling. Y/n held out her hand, and he passed it to her lazily.

"Pregame? Changbin said it's just a small thing."

"Uh Felix invited everyone he could think of."

Jisungs face instantly changed to a look of upset confusion. "Whaattt? Changbin said 'Felix is throwing a small get togeher. just a few drinks with friends'" He said in quotation marks.

"Felix said 'super epic rager at my place. were going to get fucked up'"

"Danggg that's crazy." Jisung said as a smile grew on his face. He laughed at this miscommunication, excited to see how it will turn out.

Y/n took one last hit before handing the blunt back, heading out the door.

"Yes let's ride home together!" Jisung called after her.

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