Part 53

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"I should've known. Bin is literally short for Changbin." She said, laying down onto the floor to avoid his gaze. Instead she chose to focus on the ceiling.

"Why do you like butterflies?" He asked.

"They always have pretty wings." 

"Y/n, youre pretty." He said, laying beside her on the floor. He turned his head towards her, looking at the detail of her side profile.

Y/n sighed, turning towards Changbin. "I'm worried about Jisung." Their faces were close, but both of them were too cross faded to move.

"He would freak out if he knew I liked his friend." She said in a whisper, as if anyone else was in the room to hear.

"Do you like me?" Changbin asked, his eyes glancing quickly at her lips.

Y/n didn't answer. She noticed how his gaze lowered, causing her to blush. She wasn't sure if her mind was spinning from the drinks or the expression of Changbin's face.

"I thought you didn't when I never heard back from you." He said, his voice and barely audible. She slowly leaned closer, the gap between them shrinking. Changbin did the same, his heart practically beating out his chest.

Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, causing Y/n and Changbin to quickly sit up and away from each other.

"Woah. What was going on?"

Y/n looked up to see Seungmin, and despite her embarrassment she was glad it was him instead of someone else at the door.

"Seungmin, forget what you saw." She said, standing up and straightening her clothes. Changbin stood up awkwardly, clearing his throat and running his hand through his hair.

Seugnmin smiled, looking between the two. "Don't worry Y/n, I remember what we talked about." He said with a wink.

 "Stop talking! Stop talking!" She said, rushing over and  pushing him out of the room. Changbin stood behind, a smile growing on his face.

"Do you talk about me?" He called after them and ending up ignored.

Y/n walked with Seungmin to the living room, where everyone was starting to quite down. Felix stood on the couch, gathering everyone's attention.

"They are looking for Changbin so he can play his song for the first time. You're so lucky I found you guys instead of Jisung." Seungmin said in a whisper, earning a light elbow to the stomach from Y/n.

"Changbin! Changbin!" Felix yelled, waving him up onto the couch. The crowd parted slightly to allow him up there, everyone looking with excitement.

"Everyone! In case you live under a rock, this is my roommate SPEAR B! and tonight, we are here, to listen to his NEW SONG!" Felix yelled, his words slightly slurring. "Say a few words Changbin." 

"Doodle!!!!!!!" Changbin yelled, earning cheers and laughter. Y/n laughed too, clapping her hands with Seungmin. Felix pressed play on his phone, and a new track came over the speaker.

Y/n instantly recognized it as the one Bin had sent her. She laughed at herself for not realizing before, enjoying the strong beat. Felix found her in the crowd, and began dancing with her to the song. She was filled with energy as she jumped and swayed to the music. Looking around, she saw Jisung dancing with Minho. They were a little too close, making Y/n fake gag and look away.  He eyes found Hyunjin, who was dancing with Jeongin on the other side of the room.

Eventually her eyes landed on Changbin, who was jumping with Chan, their arms strung over eachother's shoulders. Y/n admired his smile and how excited he looked, unable to focus on anything else in the room. 

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