Part 78

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When Y/n went go to class the next day, she could only think about her date planned for afterwards. Changbin didn't tell her where they would go for lunch, but he said he had a place picked out. She hoped her friends wouldn't notice the extra effort she put into getting ready.

"Aren't Minho and Jisung a cute couple? We totally called that." Felix said to Y/n and Hyunjin.

"Every one is in a happy relationship..." Hyunjin sulked.

"None of us are?" Y/n said, confused by who Hyunjin was talking about when he said 'everyone'.

"Do you still text that random guy?" Felix asked, causing all heads to turn to Y/n. She stood, unsure how to answer.

"I do. He's not a random guy though.."

This piqued Hyunjin's interest, pulling him out of his sulk. "Really? Then what's his name?"

Y/n didn't want to tell them that, not when they already let it slip that she thought Changbin was cute. "Oh look at that, my class is starting! I'll see you guys later." She said, waving and walking away.

"We are meeting after for lunch?" Felix called.

She turned around and walked backwards to respond to him, "I can't! Another day!" 

Felix scoffed at and pouted, turning to Hyunjin. "First Changbin is busy now her. It's just me and you today." He said, placing a hand on his friends shoulder.

Hyunjin smiled apologetically and removed Felix's hand. "Actually... I think I'm going to Kim's Cafe today. Alone." He said with an awkward smile.

"Alone?! I can't come??"

"Yeah.. sorry."

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