Part 79

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When Y/n left class, she quickly walked to where Changbin said he parked. She got into the passenger seat, throwing her bag at her feet.

"Do you want me to put your bag in the back for you?" He offered.

"No that's okay!" She smiled, trying not to seem nervous despite the anxious feeling throughout her body. It had been a long time since she went on a first date, and one with Changbin was intimidating. She watched as he took the car out of park, starting to reverse out of the parking space. How is everything he does so hot?

He turned the stereo on, letting soft music fill the car. It wasn't awkward, but neither knew what to say. They had barely had any in person conversations; It gave Y/n doubt that he would like her.

She listened to the music playing, enjoying the sound of it. 

"Are you releasing any other songs soon?" She asked. 

"I'm working on a couple things. I even got Felix to record some verses with me, but I have nothing final." He said, shrugging casually.

"Really? I had no idea Felix was into music like that."

"He's hesitant, but really talented. I keep trying to tell him but he doesn't listen."

"Sounds like him." Y/n said with a small laugh. "Well I'm really looking forward to whatever you release, I'm your number one fan after all."

Changbin smiled, still looking ahead. Although he didn't face Y/n she could've sworn she saw a small blush creep onto his cheeks. She hadn't seen him blush before, at least not anytime she noticed. His cheeks had been rosy at the party, but she was pretty sure that was from the alcohol.

"I'll make sure to give you an exclusive early listen." He said, the smile still on his face.

Soon, a small diner came into view that Y/n didn't recognize. He parked, hurriedly getting out the car and rushing to the passenger side. He swung her door open, letting her step out. She laughed at how he was acting, but though the gesture was sweet.

Once inside, they sat in across from each other in a small booth. The inside was nice, nothing too fancy. It was just the type of place Y/n liked to go for lunch after class. Changbin ordered for the two  of them, leaving them to sit and wait for their food.

"To be honest," he started "I'm really nervous. More nervous than I've ever been on a date."

"Do you go on a lot of dates?" Y/n asked, raising and eyebrow.

"No! Of course not! I didn't mean it like that.." Changbin said, his eyes widening.

Y/n laughed, releasing some of her own nerve. "I'm just kidding. I'm really nervous too."

Changbin calmed down, relieved she didn't think badly of him. "You look really pretty." He said.

Y/n blushed. He didn't sound nervous at all! The compliment caught her off guard, making her heart beat faster. Changbin noticed, chuckling slightly.

"You're so cute. I always know what to say to make you flustered."

"Binnie~ You're teasing me again." She said, Changbin immediately sitting up straight, ears turning red. "You looked really handsome in the car, it made me think about kissing you again."

It was Changbin's turn to be flustered. He cleared throat, trying to hold back a smile. Despite the embarrassment, he loved hearing her say that. She laughed, and Changbin thought it was the prettiest laugh he'd ever heard.

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