Part 105

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spear_b streetlight ft. CB97 out now. ~to my love


feelixx i wish i threw a party for this release
      spear_b @ feelixx i'm not sure it has party vibes
      feelixx @ spear_b i could've made it work

chris97 nice work

j1.ji chan looks like he stole my sisters shoes
     chris97 @ j1.ji come on bro

Lknow 'to my love' ?
      j1.ji @ Lknow wait a damn minute...

ji @ Lknow wait a damn minute

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Liked by Kim.S and others

hhyun.jin gotta get ready for the big day


y.nn its not for a while???

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Liked by chris97 and others

j1.ji should i release a song tmr?


Lknow yes

y.nn photo in the dance studio but where is Minho?
      j1.ji @ y.nn cant you see the bunny?

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