Part 121

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"What are you guys doing in here anyways?" Hyunjin said, sitting on the ground as well.

"It's too crowded in there." Changbin answered on behalf of Jisung.

Jisung sighed, leaning his head back against the wall. "I need a hit."

Y/n smirked, digging through her purse to pull out a blunt. Jisung's eyes widened, a smile on his face. She had brought one just in case, and now it had come in handy.

"Best sister ever." He said laughing.

They were about to light it when the door opened again. Everyone's head snapped up, nervous of being caught. Instead they found Minho, Chan, and Felix.

"I go to talk to Chan for one second and you disappear." Minho said shaking his head, walking around to sit next to Jisung on the floor.

"Felix! I've been looking for you!" Y/n said with a smile.

"Really? Why would I be back here?" 

The pair laughed, and Felix and Chan sat on the floor as well.

"What is everyone doing back here?" Chan asked, eyeing the now large group of people.

Instead of answering, Y/n just held up the blunt. She saw Chan smirk and eyes sparkle slightly, clearly excited and wanting in.

Soon, the 7 of them sat in a row against the wall, passing the blunt back and forth. Between so many people, it was running out fairly quick. Still, the light feeling quickly settled over the group and soon everyone was reaching for Y/n's plate of snacks and stealing some for themselves.

"Wait shhhh." Minho said, shushing everyone. They all got quiet, listening carefully.  They could clearly hear sounds of food steps coming around the corner.

No one moved, wondering who it would be to appear. If they were caught, there would be no denying what they were up to as Felix held the blunt in his hand and the obviously smoky air smelled. 

To their surprise, it was Seungmin and Jeongin came around the corner. They froze when they saw the group, and the group stared back.

"Aw shit it's the kids." Chan said. "What are you guys doing back here?"

"What are YOU doing back here?" Jeongin said, waving the air with his hand.

"I would say 'it's not what it looks like' but it definitely is what it looks like" Hyunjin whispered in a not so quiet voice to Y/n, who turned and slapped him on the arm.

"I can't believe you guys all came back here to smoke without us." Seungmin said rolling his eyes, taking a seat on the floor. 

"I swear it wasn't planned." Felix said with a laugh, reaching over and handing the almost finished blunt Seungmin, who inspected it with a raised eyebrow.

"This is barely enough for one person." He said, nevertheless taking a hit.

"Actually.." Changbin said, reaching into his own pocket and pulling out a new blunt.

Jisung burst out laughing, clapping Changbin on the back. Y/n laughed too, it made her happy that Jisung and Changbin seemed to be back to normal but also that her and Changbin both had the same idea. Changbin laughed too, keeping his eyes on the floor and clearly embarressed.

"Lord bless this day." Jeongin said, putting his hands together and looking towards the sky. He dramatically kissed his finger and pointed up, sitting next to Seungmin and signaling to hand the blunt to him.

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