Part 85

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Y/n hurried out the front door, shouting to Jisung she was going to be back later. He was going to ask where she was going, but Y/n was out the door before he could manage. She went out to Changbin's car, sliding into the passenger seat. He was facing her, smiling sweetly. 

She blushed slightly seeing him, smiling also and saying 'hello'. Instead of returning her greeting, Changbin leaned across the middle console, planting a kiss on her cheek. Y/n's slight blush quickly became more, she turned and slouched into the passenger seat, giggling quietly. Changbin pressed play on the stereo, backing out and beginning to drive, still smiling.

"So where to?" He asked.

"Go allll the way down this street... yeah then right here... keep going straight.." Y/n continued to give instructions until they found themselves overlooking a large river. He parked the car, admiring the waters edge. It was only a short walk away, and the stars seemed more visible than usual.

"Wanna smoke in here? I have a song to show you." He said, pulling out a blunt and lighter. He handed her the blunt, and she placed it between her lips. Changbin reached over with the lighter, using the small flame to burn the end. Y/n inhaled, the familiar burn almost comforting.

After a couple puffs, she handed it to Changbin and he did the same. The car quickly became smoky, intensifying their high.

"You're really hot when you smoke." Changbin said, his eyes already red and droopy. Y/n laughed, not as easily flustered in her current state. 

"What song were you going to show me?" She asked, gesturing to the stereo.

"Oh right! It's the one that I mentioned with Felix. After I told you about it I decided to go home and work on it some more... it's not completely finished though. It's called 'Because'"

Y/n nodded, she was intrigued by his writing and producing process, she imagined it was similar to Jisung's. He pulled out his phone and played the audio file over the cars speakers.

It was so different from 'Doodle'. So much more melodic and calm. Y/n loved how it sounded, the lyrics being particularly sweet. She didn't realize Changbin could be so versatile when it came to music.

"Wow, this is so good Changbin. Were you thinking of someone when you wrote it?" She asked, the song ending.

He just smiled, taking in the features of her face. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked even in a smoky car when stoned. "Should we go on a walk?" He offered, ignoring her question and getting out the car.

Much like on their lunch date, Changbin ran to open the door for Y/n. She thanked him, stepping out and feeling the wind chill. Before she could say anything about it, Changbin was taking his hoodie off and handing it to her. She slipped it over her head, happy to be warm and cozy.

"Doesn't this remind you of the first time we smoked? I didn't know who you were then." She said, laughing slightly.

"I should've figured it out. Keep my hoodie for longer this time alright?"

The two walked closer to the water, hearing it lap against the shore. Changbin took a deep breath and sighed. "I needed this tonight." He said under his breath.

"Did something happen?" Y/n asked, looking up with a concerned face. He met her eyes, and wanted to hold her hand more than anything. He reached out taking it in his own. She accepted, closing her fingers tightly around his hand. She felt light and happy, probably from smoking. The night air refreshed her and being here with Changbin felt like a dream.

"Jisung told me not to date you." Changbin said, his tone neutral.

"Did you apologize?"

"Yeah, and he accepted. But it ended with him saying you're the one person I can't date."

"Oh.." Suddenly, it felt like Changbin was breaking things off. He was staring out at the water, not meeting her eyes. Y/n began to worry, thinking that this was their last night together. In her current state, it was hard to think rationally. Changbin started to speak again, but Y/n interrupted.

"Remember you said the stars didn't look nice in the city? I always think they look lovely here." She said, but she couldn't hide the sadness in her voice.

Despite being high himself, Changbin still picked up on her tone. He turned to her worriedly, finding that her eyes were glassy.

"Y/n? What wrong?" He asked worriedly, turning her to face him.

When he asked, she couldn't hold back anymore. Tears suddenly were rolling down her face. Changbin reached up, wiping them away gently.

"I don't want to stop seeing you!" She said through tears.

"What are you talking about? Don't worry so much about Jisung.."

"He asked you not to date me, and he's your best friend. Didn't you invite me out to tell me it's over?" She said, finally looking up.

Changbin almost laughed. He knew he shouldn't, but the girl so cute with puffy eyes and red cheeks. He had to stop himself from pulling her into a big hug, he worried he wouldn't let go.

"No! Of course not!" He said smiling, wiping the last of her tears away.

"Then why?"

"I wanted to ask you.." He lost his words, suddenly nervous for what was coming. Y/n stood looking at him, waiting for him to finish speaking. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n laughed, feeling stupid for crying and jumping to conclusions. She looked up at him, seeing a worried expression on his face. He looked nervous waiting for a response, making her laugh more.

"Yes." She said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him down for a kiss.

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