Part 114

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That evening, Y/n gently knocked on Jisung's door. She could hear his muffled voice on the other side; It sounded like he was saying goodbye to someone. She waited patiently until the door opened just enough for his annoyed face to peek through.

"What do you want?"

"I was coming to congratulate you on the song.. You didn't tell you me you would release it today." Y/n explained, feeling sort of nervous.

"It was unplanned."

Jisung kept his answers short, something Y/n knew to mean he was still pissed at her.

"What are you doing? Want to hang out?" She asked looking over his head and into the room.

Jisung sighed, opening the door wider for her to enter. "I WAS on the phone with Minho, but since we hung up I guess you can come in."

Y/n walked into the room, choosing to sit as his desk. He followed, flopping on his bed and scrolling on his phone. She mindlessly swung back in forth in the swivel chair, looking for something to say.

"The song came out well. You changed it since you last showed me." She finally spoke.

"Yeah I wasn't happy with some parts."

Silence hung in the air once again. Y/n hated fighting with him, especially fights like this. Usually their disputes involved more yelling and kicking, Jisung very verbal about his complaints. When he became quiet, Y/n actually started to worry.

"Jisung, I'm sorry I didn't tell you." 

Jisung turned his phone off and set it down, but still refused to look at Y/n directly.

"You told everyone else. I thought you were supposed to tell me first." He said, sounding sad.

"I would've, but... I knew you'd be upset."

"I don't understand why you had to go out with HIM."

"i obviously didn't know! And then when I did know.. it was too late, I already liked him too much."

Jisung looked over in disbelief, meeting Y/n's eyes for the first time. "I find it hard to believe there is anything a girl like about Changbin."

Y/n just laughed, his comment lifting the mood slightly. "Oh please. If you really mean that you're blind."

Another silence settled in the room, but this time is was much more comfortable.

"You need to make up with him." Y/n finally said, breaking the silence. "I plan on being with him for a long time."

Jisung fake gagged at her sappy words. "Whatever. Don't say cringey stuff about him to me..... want to smoke?"

Y/n smiled, happy to have patched things up with Jisung and nodded.

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