Part 17

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Y/n practically stared at the messages from Bin, once again left feeling speechless. She didn't understand how someone could flirt so shamelessly, but she didn't mind it either. The clock read 1:27 am, and she knew she shouldn't stay up much longer. Her mind was racing with thoughts about the message and Bin. Is he like this in person? How many other girls is he flirting with? Why is he flirting with ME?

Suddenly, she heard the door opening, signaling that Jisung must be home. She quickly got up from her bed and made her way into the hallway.



"I need your advice!"

"I need YOURS! Look at this!" Jisung said, holding his phone towards her. Y/n flinched away from the phone being shoved in her face, and took it from his hands to read the screen. It was open to an instagram post of an extremely blurry selfie.

"What am I looking at?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at the panicked boy.

"The comments!!! Read the comments!"

She read the comments and the caption of the post, including the one Jisung left and the replies.

"OH" She said, as the realization dawned on her. She couldn't recognize him from the photo, but the username was clearly Minho's. She recognized it from the countless times Jisung had showed her his account. Jisung had spent many nights telling Y/n about every minor interaction the two had at the company, he never kept his crushes secret from her.

"Jisung he's so into you!" Y/n gasped and smiled.

"You're kidding... Is that what that means?! Be serious Y/n."

Y/n thought, before deciding on a solution. "You should test him."

"Test him? How?" Jisung was clearly intrigued by the idea.

"Post something with a flirty caption and see if he comments, and then if he does.. DM HIM!"

"What?! That's risky! What if he doesn't comment? and what would I DM him?"

She shrugged, feeling like that was enough of her help. "You can figure all that out.. I bet he talks to Chan about you as much as you talk about him to me!" She laughed.

Jisung sighed and ran his hand through his hair, thinking about what he could say or even post.

"What did you need advice on?" He asked, breaking the momentary silence.

Y/n didn't answer at first, unsure what exactly to say. She didn't want to tell him everything about Bin, she wasn't as much of an open book as Jisung was despite him being the person she trusted most.

"Well... Hyunjin was telling me about this guy who started texting him, and he asked what I thought. Basically he doesn't know what the guy looks like or anything, but the guy keeps flirting! What do you think about that?" She said, hoping it wasn't obviously about herself and not Hyunjin.

Jisung didn't look fooled at all.

"Rightttt." He started. "'Hyunjin' is asking for your advice. Tell 'Hyunjin' to block that number and stop texting strangers."

Jisung pushed her forehead back with his finger, mumbling something about 'idiot'. Y/n tsked and pushed his arm away, not happy with his response.

"Why would he do that? The stranger has been really good company, and really he's not a stranger they text everyday."

"Hyunjin sounds naive."

"Seriously Jisung! What should Hyunjin do thats NOT blocking the number." She said, crossing her arms. Y/n was starting to become annoyed with Jisung's dismissive attitude. Seeing this, Jisung sighed and thought about an answer.

"Well it's like you said to me. Test him somehow. I guess ask for some kind of proof he's not a creep?"

How could I do that? He already avoided sending me his face..

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