Part 102

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Y/n swung open the door of Kim's cafe, walking straight to the counter. She had decided to stop talking to Seungmin until he talked to Hyunjin, but that was days ago and he still hadn't given a response. 

Seungmin slouched over the counter scrolling on his phone, but straightened up when the door opened. Y/n was glaring as she made her way towards him, and Seungmin tried his best to hide his slight fear.

"Heyyy Y/n," He said, slowly, trying to act as if nothing was wrong. "What can I get you?" 

Y/n slammed her hand onto the counter, not looking away from Seungmin's eyes. 

"DON'T play dumb. You know why I'm here." She said.

He just shook his head, signaling that he didn't know what she wanted. In reality, he knew exactly why she came.

"Seungmin this can not continue. You need to say something to him. Don't forget you guys are friends." She lectured. 

Seungmin sighed, "It's just, I've been thinking about it and I really do like him and-"

Y/n reached across the counter, hitting the side of his head with an open palm. He cried out, reaching his head up to rub the spot.

"You like him?! You like him. TELL HIM!" She yelled.

"LET ME FINISH!" He yelled back, fixing his hair and rolling his eyes. "What am I supposed to say to him? I've already ruined it."

"You haven't! He's still waiting on you, but it's killing him! You have to tell him TODAY. Seriously, and you better make it up to him or i'll smack you much harder."

Seungmin pulled his phone out, still open to Hyunjin's last post. He had been staring it basically since it was uploaded. He wondered if the caption was about him, but he doubted it. He wasn't really sure why Hyunjin liked him, and wondered if it was even still true. Y/n seemed to think so, but that didn't help when Seungmin couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"Who are you to boss me around?!" Seungmin said with tsk.

"Someone who is much better at critical thinking. Just text him!"

"Fine. Are you going to buy something now? This Establishment is for customers only."

Y/n browsed the treat case, eyes landing on her favorite fruit sandwich. "Can I get one of those?" She said, pointing.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and rung up her order. He packaged her food in a box and waved goodbye as she took it and left. Walking down the street, she excitedly opened the box to eat her sandwich, finding that he had given her two.

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