Part 3

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Y/n stared at her phone, laughing slightly at her messages with a stranger. She wasn't sure who he was, so avoided giving her real name. She found 'Bin' to be entertaining, especially in her current state.

Jisung wrote at his desk, occasionally turning to show Y/n whatever he had written. She enjoyed his process of writing lyrics and beats. No matter how many songs Jisung wrote, she was still surprised by how poetic he could be. To her, he just seemed like her cringey and annoying brother that smoked and laughed with her. They were quite close, as he was only a couple years older. The pair had moved out of their parents house a few years ago and ended up sharing an apartment. Jisung had moved to Seoul first, going to work as a producer for JYP.

It wasn't until Y/n got accepted into university that she moved to the city to attend classes. She had considered rooming with her childhood friend, Hyunjin as he also chose to go to the same university. However, Hyunjin ended up choosing to stay in dorms for his first year, and staying with Jisung was cheapest option for Y/n. Even now that her first year has past, she still stays in the same apartment.

Jisung was glad to have her around, even though he would never admit it, he had missed his little sister. He looked up at her once again giggling at her phone.

"Whats funny? Is it a meme or something? Let me see." He said, already eagerly making his way across the room.

"It's not." Y/n said, moving her phone out of view. "It's a text. Don't be nosy"

Jisung just rolled his chair away, no longer interested.

Changbin sat on the couch, barely paying attention the tv. His eyes stayed glued to the phone. It wasn't until he heard the end credits begin to play on the tv. He looked up, fully expecting Felix to yell out "one more episode!", but to his surprise there was no movement or sound. He glanced over to see Felix slouched over with closed eyes. Changbin took the opportunity to stand up and stretch, cracking his knuckles loudly.

"Whew let's go to sleep!" He said, startling Felix awake. The freckled boy jumped and rubbed his eyes. He didn't protest and walked straight to his room without a word. Felix's eyes were only half open as he hurried to his bed before his sleepy state wore off.

"Goodnight Changbin." He said slightly above a whisper before closing the door to his room.

Changbin walked into his own, quickly washing his face and climbing into bed. Despite feeling tired of watching shows, he didn't feel like sleeping quite yet. He wanted to continue to text with 'Nabi'. He wondered if that really was her name, but it made a nice nickname regardless.

did you're roommate let you go to bed yet?

would you keep me company until he does?

I can try
but i'm already tired

well you can't sleep yet he's making me stay up longer

oh no..
he's evil

sometimes, but mostly he's a ray of sunshine

you have such nice words to say
mines just clingy

but youre still hanging out with him
clearly it doesnt bother you THAT much
or maybe youre just a really good sister

well he does me favors too

i have a sister actually

really? are you close?

we were a lot closer before i moved away

how old are you anyways?

im 24

are you lying?
ur kinda old

im not lying
how old are you
why am i old

im only 20

im not much older than you

did you fall asleep?

Jisung stood up from his desk and made his way over to the bed. Y/n lay with her phone in her hand but eyes closed. A small amount of drool formed around her mouth as her cheek pressed into the mattress.

Jisung grabbed his pillow slowly, trying his best not to wake her. He then lifted it above his head and slammed it down on Y/n's.

She groaned and sat up, her hair now a mess and a scowl on her face.

"Why would you do that?" She said, reaching for a different pillow and swinging it at Jisung.

He attempted to move out of the way but still got hit along his side.

"Don't drool on my bed."

Y/n quickly wiped her mouth and stood up.

"You asked me to come in here.." She said under her breath while walking out of the room.

She called back goodnight which Jisung returned, before closing his door behind her. Y/n got comfy in her bed for the second time that night before falling into a deep sleep.

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