Part 81

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Hyunjin walked into the cafe, seeing Seungmin behind the counter on his phone. He looked up when the bell chimed, eyes widening at the boy walking in. Seungmin half expected Hyunjin to turn around and leave when he saw he was the one working, but Hyunjin walked over to the counter.

"Hey!" Seungmin said, trying to hide his excitement. "Are you meeting Felix here?"

"No, I told him not to come."

Hearing this made Seungmin confused, but also excited that Hyunjin was on his own. He already knew Y/n was buys with Changbin, so none of their other friends would be coming. Hyunjin shifted nervously on his feet. The tension between them was unfamiliar; both were used to teasing and laughing.

"Are you going to take my order?" Hyunjin said, breaking the silence.

"Oh! What can I get you?"


"I should've known." Seungmin said, turning around to make the drink. He came back with it in hand, seeing Hyunjin pull out his wallet. "Don't worry about it." Seungmin said, handing him the drink. 

Hyunjin gave a small smile and took it from him. "Why are you being so nice today?"

The question caught Seungmin off guard. He knew he wasn't always so giving, and when he was, it came paired with a snarky comment. He wasn't really how to respond, letting the silence hang in the air between them.

"I'm sorry I was avoiding you." Hyunjin finally said, meeting Seungmin's eyes.

Hearing it lifted a weight off his shoulders. Seungmin hadn't texted him like Y/n suggested, he couldn't figure out the right words. Apparently whatever she had said made a difference.

"That's okay... was it because of Jeongin?" 

"Sort of, but not really him." Hyunjin said, looking away. He suddenly found it hard to maintain their eye contact

"What do you mean?" 

Hyunjin didn't answer, instead turning around and finding his way to a booth where he sat with his drink. Despite him walking away, Seungmin followed, taking the seat across from him.

"Hyunjin? Hello?" He said, waving his hand in front of the boys face.

"It's because I like you. I was jealous." He said, his ears and face turning red.

Seungmin sat dumbfounded, unsure how to react. It was the last thing he expected Hyunjin to say. On top of that, Seungmin had never seen the boy so flustered. He was usually radiating confidence, unaffected by the people around him. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Hyunjin stood, grabbing his bag and drink and heading out the door. Seungmin wanted to reach out to him, but his body wouldn't move. He watch as Hyunjin disappeared from the cafe.

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