Part 66

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Y/n threw her phone across her bed in frustration, annoyed that Changbin had made her flustered for nothing. Soon she heard a soft knock on her door, causing her to sit up with confusion. Jisung never knocks..

She made her way to the door, opening it to find Changbin standing on the other side. She had only just recovered and her heart was beating again. He slid past her and into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I told Jisung I was going to the bathroom." He said quietly, smiling wide.

Despite being happy to see him, Y/n was determined to keep her annoyed act up. She didn't think he deserved a kiss after misleading her. She crossed her arms and sat on her bed, not looking at him in the eye.

"Y/n," Changbin said with a chuckle. "Don't pout." He said, walking to the girl.

He reached out, pulling her head towards him and planting a kiss on top.

Y/n's eyes widened, surprised by the sudden affection. "What was that?!"

"Do you feel better?" 

Although she didn't want to admit it, she did. She stood up, the two of them now facing each other. She wasn't frowning anymore, Changbin clearly noticing. He reached his hand up, placing it on her face. Changbin wasn't much taller than Y/n, but tall enough to make her look up slightly. She thought her heart might pound out of her chest and he came closer to her face. Y/n let her eyes flutter shut as the gap between them closed.

Their lips met softly, the kiss gentle and sweet. Although Y/n could feel the traces of want, it was filled with something much more compassionate. Kissing Changbin made Y/n feel warm and full.

They pulled back, both slightly breathless. Their eyes met, and he searched her face for any signs of refusal. Of course, there was none, and the two shifted into a gentle hug. From here, Y/n could feel just how rapidly his heart was beating. It was clear she wasn't the only one who was nervous. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his head into Y/n's shoulder. She returned the hug, her hands easily feeling the muscles on his back.

 Y/n wasn't sure how much time went by, but it couldn't have been long before Changbin pulled back.

"I don't want Jisung to get suspicious." He said, sadness in his tone. "Text me!"

Changbin left the room, heading down the hall and back to Jisung, leaving Y/n breathless and alone.

Changbin x Reader - Text MeWhere stories live. Discover now