Part 100

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Liked by Kim.S and others

feelixx desperately trying to convince him to be my banquet date : its not working


hhyun.jin back to roommate content

y.nn he doesnt want you
      feelixx @ y.nn youve made that VERY clear

spear_b maybe next time

Liked by spear_b and others

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Liked by spear_b and others

j1.ji just asked him to be my date he was sooooo happy he was all like "omg yes jisung i've been dreaming of this day" and then he giggled and kicked his feet /srs


y.nn he doesnt even look happy to be there

Lknow who is believing this?
         chris97  @ Lknow sounds real to me

Lknow who is believing this?         chris97  @ Lknow sounds real to me

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Liked by innie.yang and others

hhyun.jin hopeless romantic


y.nn have hope!!

feelixx pick your head up, your tiara is slipping

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