Part 107

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Y/n hurried down the stairs to Changbin's car. Jisung had gone out with Chan so she didn't worry about his questions. She wore Changbin's hoodie and pajama pants, as it was already late at night. Throwing her bag in the back seat, she leaned over to give Changbin a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and blushed, driving back to his apartment.

Opening the front door, Y/n found Hyunjin and Felix sitting in the living room. She froze, not expecting to see them. They held controllers in their hands, pausing the game and looking up.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Felix asked raising an eyebrow.

She didn't get the chance to answer, as Changbin followed into the room behind her. Hyunjin and Felix both smirked, elbowing each other's side.

"Oooooo Y/n." Hyunjin said laughing.

She sushed them while Changbin rolled his eyes. "Stop it. What are you two even doing here?"

"Boys nightttt!" Said Felix happily. "We are gunna be playing video games all night."

"Don't worry Y/n we'll turn the volume up high." Hyunjin said with a wink and laugh.

"EW. Hyunjin don't say things like that!" She said. Changbin laughed and walked with Y/n into his room.

She immediately jumped under his covers, wiggling around to get comfortable. 

"Your pillows are sooo uncomfortable." Y/n whined.

Changbin was standing by his dresser, pulling out his own pajamas. He stripped off his fitted shirt, trading it for a much baggier graphic tee. Y/n watched, her focus no longer on the flat pillows. He didn't seem to notice, as he continued to strip off his sweat pants. He stood in his boxers before putting on the plaid pajama pants he picked out. Turning around, he smiled at Y/n and climbed into the bed.

"Good thing you don't need to lay on the pillows." He said, wrapping his arms around Y/n and pulling her towards his chest. She laughed, rolling into his side and getting comfortable.

"Much better." She said, closing her eyes.

Changbin ran his hands gentle through her hair, causing Y/n to drift into a light sleep. Suddenly, there was knock from the other room.

"Did you hear that? Sounded like the front door." Changbin said, listening. 

Instead of hearing more knocking, they heard Felix calling that the door was for Changbin. He hesitantly crawled out of the bed and went into the living room, tousling his hair to make sure it was presentable.

When he walked into the living room, he found Chan smiling widely and Jisung holding a small cake.

"Uh.. what's up?" Changbin asked hesitantly.

"Jisung brought you a cake to celebrate your song!" Chan said, patting Jisung on the back and pushing him forward.

He sighed, holding the cake out towards Changbin. "Congratulations." Jisung looked at Chan before sighing and continuing to speak to Changbin. "Sorry about our fight. It's all behind us now." He said.

Changbin was about to thank him and shoo them towards the door, but noticed Jisung's eyes wander to the space behind Changbin. 

"Y/n? Why are you here?"

Changbin turned around to see Y/n standing just outside his room. She clearly had wanted to see who was at the door and wasn't expecting her brother. Hyunin and Felix paused their game, more interested in the scene about to unfold.

Jisung waited for Y/n to answer, quickly getting more annoyed.

"I'm here for them." Y/n said, pointing at Felix and Hyunjin. Jisung's glare quickly turned towards the two on the couch, leaving them in an awkward situation.

"uhhhh... spotlight moonlight sunlight.. together?" Felix said hesitantly.

It wasn't enough to convince Jisung, who quickly turned back to Y/n and Changbin.

"You can't be serious! Why are you coming out of Changbin's room Y/n?!"

"Okay fine. I'm here for him." Y/n finally admitted.

Everyone held their breath waiting for Jisung's reaction. The air was thick with tension, nobody wanting to speak.

Suddenly, Jisung threw the cake at Changbin in a swift motion. It splattered onto Changbin, covering his hair and face, the pieces falling onto his shirt. Y/n gasped while Felix and Hyunjin's mouth both fell. 

"Jisung!" Y/n yelled. "Why would you do that?!" 

Changbin wiped his eyes and face, clearly shocked.

"I'm going to throw up. I'm literally going to vomit." Jisung said, starting to exaggerate fake gags.

"You are being so dramatic!" Y/n argued, making her way to Changbin to help him wipe off the cake.

"Yeah Jisung I'm allowed to hangout with my girlfriend." Changbin retorted.

"Your what?!"


Hearing this, Jisung lunged at Changbin and aimed to grab him. Chan quickly took hold of Jisung's arms, preventing him from getting close.

"Jisung stop! Clam down!" Chan yelled, but it seemed ineffective. 

"Your girlfriend?! GIRLFRIEND?! Say stupid shit like that one more time."

"CUT IT OUT." Y/n yelled, glaring fiercely at Jisung. He finally seemed to calm down, looking around at everyone else in the room.

"So no one else cares?" Jisung said, looking from person to person until it finally dawned on him. "Wow. So it was one big secret huh? Everyone knows before me. Fine." 

He spoke bitterly, ripping his arms out of Chan's hands and walking out the front door. It slammed behind him, leaving everyone standing silently. Y/n hurt knowing that Jisung was upset, but she was also concerned about Changbin who was covered in cake.

"Are you okay?" She said, removing bits from his hair. Changbin didn't say anything, instead he looked at her, smiling wide. He couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping his lips. It seemed so ridiculous, that he was standing covered in cake. Soon, he was laughing, causing Y/n to smile and laugh too.

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