Part 122

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Soon, everyone was high and laughing. They were running out of snacks on the platter, which was going to be a problem. Y/n sat with her head on Changbin's shoulder, watching her friends. Jisung and Chan had been going back and forth in a freestyle rap battle, making the others cringe and laugh.

"Wait." Jeongin said, "I think I'm supposed to be giving a speech."

Everyone paused, looking at each other. "Right now?" Y/n finally asked.

Jeongin nodded and stood up, hurrying into the main room. Everyone got up and followed, Seugnmin laughing with Minho about Jeongin's forgetfulness.

"Try to act normal.." Chan said, ushering everyone through the door.

The room opened up and Y/n gawked at the decorations which seemed much prettier now. Changbin took her hand, squeezing gently with a smile. The group split up slightly, everyone settling into their seats. Jeongin stood at the front of the room, shaking somone's hand and nodding. His smile was big enough that his eyes squinted into two dashes. 

"Thank you everyone for coming today." He said loudly, gathering the attention of the room.

"He's doing pretty good so far." Y/n whispered to Changbin, impressed with Jeongin's ability to look sober. She listened as Jeongin continued to speak, explaining how grateful he was. 

"Oh and shout out to 3racha, best producers who helped with my album. And Minho for choreographing me. And also Hyunjin and Felix: best backup dancers out there. And shout out to my new best friend Seungmin who agrees that he's my best friend... and Y/n" Jeongin concluded with a nod. 

Y/n held back a laugh, Jeongin's speech getting unexpectedly casual at the end. Everyone was silent, unsure how to react. Across the room, someone yelled a 'whoo!' and began clapping. Y/n looked to see Felix being the only one smiling and clapping. Chan pushed Felix's hands down to silence him, giving Felix a confused look. Y/n put her hand over her mouth, trying her hardest not to burst into laughter.

Soon everyone was milling about, and Y/n and Changbin found there way to a charcuterie table. They stood, people-watching as they snacked on crackers and cheese.

"No way Y/n look." Changbin said,  pointing to Hyunjin and Seungmin across the room.

"Are they.. Slow dancing?" She questioned, seeing the pair swaying slowly. She turned to Changbin, both of them looking at each other before bursting out laughing.

"There is no music! We aren't at a ball." He said between laughs.

They looked around more, finding Felix and Chan still talking and laughing. Minho and Jisung sat at a table, also seeming to have found plenty of food.

Y/n was pulled away from her observations when Jeongin came up to the two.

"Was my speech good? Did I seem normal."

Changbin put his hand on his shoulder and sighed, making Y/n hold back a laugh.

"Jeongin~ Your speech was great, but I think everyone knows you're high."

Jeongin groaned, disappointed but not surprised. He took a handful of crackers and sulked away.

Y/n looked up at Changbin to find he was also smiling at her. She returned the smile, taking the time to admire his features.

"You look really handsome in your suit by the way." She said, reaching up to straighten his jacket.

"I love you."

Y/n froze, her hand's still on his clothing. She looked up at him, seeing that eyes were completely serious.

"I love you too." She said, almost breathless.

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