Part 27

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After taking her exam, Y/n felt drained and more anxious than before. She couldn't bring herself to tell Bin how it went despite him asking. She stopped by Kim's Cafe on the way home, explaining her situation to Seungmin and earning a sympathetic latte.

"Here Y/n, don't even pay for it." Seungmin said, handed her the drink with a grimace.

"You don't have to feel so bad for me, it was my own fault." Y/n spoke in a sad tone,  taking a sip from the drink. She looked at the dessert display, debating getting herself a fruit sandwich to make the day better.

"I don't feel bad, I just don't want you sulking when other costumers come in." Seungmin said, walking to the dessert case and pulling out a fruit sandwich filled with strawberry slices. He handed it to her, knowing what she would like without asking.

 "Now go home, you're bad for business." Seungmin said while waving her towards the door.

Y/n smiled and left, knowing that despite what he said, Seungmin just liked being nice. She ate her sandwich while walking to the bus station; it tasted so good she really did forget about her exam for the rest of the way home.

When she finally got to her room, she immediately laid down on her bed, a wave of exhaustion hitting her. Y/n felt her eyes drift close as she slowly fell asleep.

Y/n let out a yawn as she woke, the first thing she noticed was how her room was considerably darker than before. She checked her phone, the time reading around 9 pm and a few missed text from Bin on her screen.

how was the exam
it couldn't have been that bad...

sorry! i just woke up from a nap
it was pretty bad Bin

She stood up and stretched, knowing that there was no way she'd be able to fall back asleep. She was surprised to have slept so long in her school clothes, she hand't worn the most comfortable outfit that day. Y/n wished she could put on her favorite hoodie, but Felix said he went to dance practice in it and hadn't had the chance to wash it. She wasn't sure if that was true or just an attempted lie so he could borrow it longer, but she didn't want to risk it. Instead, Y/n put on an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. 

As the room was dark, she flicked on her lights and sat at her desk. Wondering what to do, Y/n decided a blunt would be really good right now. She put on her headphones, then pulled out her tray and stash and began carefully rolling.

She had already rolled one when she started on another. I'll just save a second one for another day. She began dancing along to the music on her headphones when she heard her door open and whining behind her. She rolled her eyes, turning around to see Jisung.

"What do you want?" She asked, knowing he came to borrow something.

"Y/n~ Best sister ever~ Can I have more paper?" He said, walking over. Jisung looked at her desk, seeing an already rolled blunt and the one in progress. "You're rolling?! Let me have that finished one!" He said, already reaching for it.

Y/n grabbed it away before he could, looking at him with disbelief. "No way! Just take paper!"

"Please! It's such a pain and you're already rolling another one. Plus you have nice girl blunts. What's it mixed with? Lavender? Petals?"

"Lavender. And it's for me not you!" Y/n said, sticking her tongue out.

"You owe me!"

Y/n sighed, she did owe him. Unwillingly, she handed the blunt over.

"Why doesn't she just come with us?"

Y/n and Jisung both looked to the doorway, seeing Chan standing there.

"Chan! I told you wait by the front!" Jisung said already starting to push him away.

"I could hear you guys arguing! Nice to meet you Y/n, how can this be the first time?" He said, ignoring Jisung's protest.

Y/n was a little unsure how to react. She was actually pretty curious about who Jisung was always with, and the fact Jisung didn't want them to meet made her want to go more. 

"Let her come with us Jisung! You're already taking her blunt." Chan said.

"No way! She can stay here and smoke, she does NOT need to smoke with you two."

"We are going to my house, and as the owner I think she should come!"

Y/n spoke up, a bit annoyed the conversation about her didn't include her. "I'd LOVE to join you guys. Let me finish with this one and we can take both of them over."

Jisung groaned, defeated. He glared at Chan, mouthing 'I'm watching you' and flopped onto Y/n's bed to wait.

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