Part 46

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"Should we go out to eat tonight?" Jisung said, standing in the doorway of Y/n's room.

"Sure, you pay since you dumped water on me." 

Y/n didn't wait for Jisung to agree as she quickly put on her shoes and headed towards the door. The two headed down the road from their building, where their favorite local restaurant was. It was as small ramen shop, but their noodles were the best in the area according to Y/n and Jisung. 

They sat down in their usual seat, a small wooden table next to a window. They liked to people-watch outside, but it was already too late and the streets were less busy. Jisung ordered for the both of them, already knowing what Y/n would want.

"So why were you weird with Changbin earlier?" Jisung asked suddenly, making Y/n almost choke on her water. His tone was neutral, making Y/n wonder what he was thinking.

"I wasn't."

Jisung sighed and looked up with a serious look. It shocked Y/n to his expression, and she was even more confused about the situation.

"Did he say something weird to you when we hung out? You can tell me, I'm on your side."

"Jisung! What are you thinking? He didn't do anything" Y/n's eyes widened at her brother's words.

"Well what is it then? Tell me, did he insult you or say something rude?"

"Of course not! It's nothing like that."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure."

"You're so protective over me." Y/n said with slight annoyance. Jisung was often being nosey and telling her what to do and Y/n only secretly appreciated it.

"Well youre sensitive with boys! Remember that time I had to punch that guy for you, and it was only because-"

"Shut up! I am not sensitive with boys I was like 14 when that happened."

"Just don't have a crush on my friends." 

Y/n's mouth fell open as the server brought over the bowls of noodles, stopping her from talking. She quickly gave a smile to the worker before turning back to Jisung with a surprised expression.

"JISUNG! What are you even talking about?! I don't!"

"Good! Seriously don't. They aren't up to my standard anyways."

"YOUR standard for MY boyfriend? Really?"

"Yeah, you should marry someone rich, then use their fortune to buy me a mansion." 

Y/n just scoffed, choosing to focus on her food instead. Still, she couldn't help but think about what Jisung said. He is going to kill me... It's going to happen... I'm not even sure Changbin will make it

She thought she was in the clear, but  Jisung apparently had more to say.

"It's just that I heard from Minho that you said Changbin was cute, and you go after jerks, so i wondered if he was a jerk. Also gross? Don't call him cute."

Y/n groaned, knowing that Hyunjin and Felix must've been gossiping at dance practice. She was relieved they didn't say more.

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