Part 69

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Jisung scoffed, looking up at his phone to see Changbin coming back into the room.

"Yo what took so long?" He asked, turning around in his desk chair.

"I was, uh, pooping."

"Dude gross. You better have sprayed the air freshener."

Changbin just laughed, pulling out his phone, smiling at the post on Y/n's page. He had only just left the room and she was already posting about it. Cute...

"What are you looking at?" Jisung asked, leaning over.

"Just scrolling through my feed."

Jisung scoffed once again, remembering his conversation with Y/n. "Did you see Y/n post? She's so annoying."

"Why are you annoyed by it?"

"Cause what's making her heart happy? It better not be some dude."

"Why would it be a dude? It could've been Felix."

"Yeah well he's still SOME DUDE. You know she told him and Hyunjin she thinks you're cute? She's crazy."

Changbin hid back a smile of satisfaction. "She's not that crazy for thinking that.."

"You aren't cute."

"I'm glad she thinks I am though." 

Jisung froze, looking up with disgust. He punched Changbin's arm, harder than their usual banter. "That's fucking gross dude. She's my little sister, back off."

Changbin rubbed his arm where he had been hit. It hurt a surprising amount. He knew that responding like that would get a reaction from Jisung, but he thought it would be a good way to test the waters. Jisung turned back around, focusing on his computer and not looking at Changbin again. He worried he pushed too far, and wondered how he would react if he knew everything between him and Y/n.

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