Part 95

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Y/n knocked on Felix's apartment, surprised to find Hyunjin opening it. 

"You take forever to get here." He said, letting her in. She followed him back to Felix's room where Felix was sitting at his desk. Hyunjin and Y/n sat on the bed, both waiting for the other to speak. Felix looked between the two of them expectantly.

"Well?" He said, an annoyed tone in his voice. "You guys and Seungmin have been being weird. Seriously what's going on?"

Hyunjin sighed and put his hands over his face, laying backwards onto the bed. "Felix it's SO embarrassing! I told Seungmin I liked him and he has completely ghosted me!" He cried out.

Felix's mouth dropped open, and he looked at Y/n. "But-" He said, still in shock. "But why would he ghost you? He has a huge crush on you!" 

"What?!" Hyunjin and Y/n said in unison. Hyunjin sat up the bed, looking at Felix with confusion. Y/n had a similar expression on her face.

"How would you know?" Hyunjin said full of doubt.

"Okay well I don't really know." Felix said, causing Y/n and Hyunjin to slouch with disappointment. "I'm like 90% sure. And if he doesn't then he DEFINITELY used to. It was so obvious."

"Felix is right." Y/n confirmed.

"Obvious to who? He only ever acted like my friend." Hyunjin said with a pout.

Felix just shook his head, "You're so clueless. If I knew that you didn't know then I would've said something to you."

The three continued talked about the situation, which consisted mostly of Hyunjin pouting dramatically with Y/n and Felix's comforts. Y/n wasn't sure how long they had been doing this when a knock came at Felix's door.

"Is someone crying in there?" 

Changbin's voice came through the door, and Y/n felt her heart pound.

"No it's just Hyunjin sulking!" Felix said with a small chuckle, earning a a light punch on the arm from Hyunjin.

Changbin opened the door, peering into the scene before him. His eyes landed on Y/n, and he stood sightly straighter, surprised but still happy to see her.

"What are you guys doing?" Changbin asked awkwardly.

"They are telling me secrets so go away." Felix teased, shooing Changbin from his room.

"Actually I think he should stay." Y/n said, waving for Changbin to come sit next to her. He did, crossing the room to sit by her side. She could feel the warmth his body next to hers, his thigh lightly pressed against her own.

"Y/n if your about to confess your feelings for Changbin you don't need to do that in front of me and Hyunjin." Felix said in a whisper, still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Changbin laughed, quickly covering it by clearing his throat when he  was met with a glare from Y/n.

"Actually he's my boyfriend." She said matter of fact.

Changbin beamed, draping his arm around her shoulder with a smile.

Felix's reaction was similar to Hyunjins, except his included more affection towards Changbin. Y/n made both him and Hyunjin promise to not talk about it at dance practice as to not leak the news to Minho. Y/n wanted Jisung to find out from her, not the gossip chain. She felt relieved to have told the two of them. She had planned on not telling anyone to avoid the drama, but Y/n quickly found she wanted nothing more than to tell everyone Changbin was only hers.

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