Part 33

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She groaned at her new errand, but the thought about the prospect of seeing Changbin again. This made her feel better, and she looked at his hoodie that was laying on her chair. I dont really want to give it up, but I can also use it as an excuse to talk to him. It would be weird to keep it anyways.

She grabbed Changbin's hoodie and went to her closet, opting to wear her own favorite hoodie outside. The weather had been chilly ever since last night, and her own was finally clean. Grabbing Jisung's notebook from his room, she left the house and headed towards the bus stop. It was a few stops until she had to get off, so she put her headphones on played her favorite song.

A couple stops into the ride, she noticed a presence sit down next to her. She looked up and took out one earphone, finding a boy smiling at her excitedly.

"Y/n! Tell me you're going to JYP? That's where I'm going." Hyunjin smiled at her, his eyes forming cute crescents. 

"I am! I have to give Jisung his notebook and Changbin his hoodie."

"Why do you have Changbin's hoodie?" Hyunjin said, raising his eyebrow.

The girl lightly punched her friend's shoulder, knowing what he was thinking. "It's nothing like that."

Soon, it was their stop. From there it was only a short walk to JYP, and the two quickly arrived. Y/n was glad to run into Hyunjin, as he can get her past security instead of having to text Jisung she was here.

"You're finally here!" Minho said to Hyunjin while running up to the two of them. "Hi Y/n, are you here for Jisung?"

"Yeah he forgot his notebook." She said, holding it up for Minho to see. Minho smiled at the thought of forgetful Jisung, a subtle blush on his face. He quickly turned back to Hyunjin, putting on a face of business. 

"Jeongin has already been rehearsing, back up dancers really need to be on time." Minho said. Hyunjin just smiled sheepishly, hurrying back to the practice room. Minho waved to Y/n and followed Hyunjin, shouting something about being punished with extra practice.

Y/n continued to walk through the building, she already knew where 3racha's studio was. When she knocked on the door, Jisung answered and came out into the hallway to talk.

"How'd you get up here?" He gave her a quick hug as a greeting, excited to see her and in a good mood.

"I came up with Hyunjin. Here." She said holding out the book.

He smiled and took it from her hands. "Thank you! You're a life saver."

"By the way, I saw Minho. He totally blushed when I mentioned your name."

This made Jisung blush, and he clearly became embarrassed. "Whatever. Go home now I'll see you later." He said, shooing her away and wanting to leave the conversation.

"Wait I still have to give something to Changbin!" She said, trying to push past him.

"Changbin? Why do you even have something of his?" Jisung asked, not wanting to let her in.

"He let me borrow his jacket last night."

"He's not even in here. He went to the bathroom, just give it to me." He said, reaching for the hoodie in her hands.

"What are you guys doing?" 

The siblings turned and saw Changbin looking at them.

Changbin looked at Y/n. He instantly recognized her hoodie as the same one he had complimented Felix for wearing. Y/n really is Nabi..

Seeing her knowing it was the same girl he was texting made it seem liked he was meeting her for the first time. Now that they were sober and in daylight, he realized it wasn't just the weed and moonlight making her beautiful on their walk. He looked at Jisung's and Y/n's hands, seeing them both fight over his hoodie. He smiled, hiding it before she could see. 

"I was bringing Jisung his notebook , and I thought I should bring you this too." She said, ripping the hoodie away from Jisung and holding it out towards Changbin. Jisung just scoffed and walked into the studio, leaving Changbin and Y/n alone.

"You could have kept it longer." He said in a low tone, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear.

Y/n gave a small smile before walking away. She felt shy and a bit nervous. She knew she was walking a bit too fast to seem normal. As soon as she was out of sat she sat on a bench in the hallway to catch her breath, pulling out her phone to seem normal.

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