Part 125

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Liked by feelixx and others

chris97 good job I.N.! Had fun~


j1.ji mirror selfie with the flash? outdated.
       Kim.S @ j1.ji he can't help being old

spear_b Chan is posting?!? for who...

spear_b Chan is posting?!? for who

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Liked by spear_b and others

j1.ji he may look intimidating and serious in his post but i'm here to expose the truth


Lknow wow...

hhyun.jin pulling this pic out next dance practice

jin pulling this pic out next dance practice

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Liked by innie.yang and others

y.nn it was so hard to make them take this


hhyun.jin what was hard?!
      y.nn @ hhyun.jin you keep moving
      spear_b @ y.nn it's hard to choose a pose..

innie.yang this photo makes me realize how many couples are in my friend group....
       feelixx @ innie.yang i know right it's crazy
       innie.yang @ feelixx you're not safe -.-

chris97 special thanks to Y/n and Changbin
     j1.ji @ chris97 they know how to provide

Kim.S my so called 'best friend' wont even pose with me
     innie.yang @ Kim.S cry about it

Lknow me and Ji stay in sync though
     y.nn @ Lknow yeah its a little creepy..

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