Part 54

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At the end of the night, Jisung and Y/n stumbled into a taxi paid for by Minho. It been a long time since she drank this much, and it didn't help she was still feeling the effects from smoking. 

Minho closed the car door behind them, giving directions and handing money to the driver.

"BYEEEE MINHOOOO" Jisung yelled out the window, way louder than needed.

"Shhhhh! He's like right next to you." Y/n said.

Minho just laughed, waving goodbye to them as the car drove away.

The car was much more quiet and calm than the party was, giving Y/n a moment of peace. She rolled her own window down, feeling the night air blow in. She thought about Changbin, and decided to finally send him a text.

As soon as she pulled her phone out, it was snatched away by Jisung.

"YAH. No drunk texting. Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't embarrass yourself." He said, putting the phone into his pocket.

"What?! You're drunker than me!"

"Drunker? Pretty sure that's not a word..." Jisung said, looking Y/n up and down. His attitude quickly left, replaced with an excited smile. He leaned across the middle of the car to talk to Y/n.

"Hey, guess what?"


"Minho asked me out."

Y/n sat still for a a moment, the news not registering immediately.  When it did, she sat up and gasped. "He did?! What did he say?"

"Mind your business."

A silent pause passed between the two.

"Okay fine. So when we left Changbin's room he pulled me aside and was like 'I can't go any longer without you as my boyfriend'".

Y/n had to stop herself from screaming. She couldn't imagine someone saying that to her brother, but she was glad the person that did was Minho. Although, it was hard for her to imagine Minho saying something so corny. She laughed and hit his shoulders, causing him to laugh and lean away.

"Why do you have a boyfriend and I don't?" She said with a huff.

"Because you're ugly."

Y/n rolled her eyes and mocked her brother, faking a punch in which he flinched away from.

"Seriously Y/n, you don't need a boyfriend anyways. Just focus on school."

"Yeah okay dad." She said in a mocking tone.

"I'M SERIOUS. If you bring a boy to MY aparment, I think I'll start swinging."

Y/n just scoffed. "Really? YOU?"

By now the taxi had reached their building, leaving them to stumble out of the car and up the steps.

"You don't think I could?" Jisung said, still focused on the conversation before. He jumped onto Y/n's back, putting her in a headlock and ruffling her hair. She yelled and fought against him, biting his arm as much as she could.

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