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"Okay people. The cops are gonna be looking for a crew, so we might as well go our seperate ways. I am going to wire the money to your accounts once all of the jewels are sold, which may take up to a month or so, so don't give up and don't get clingy because we may meet again. Also, I'll be giving each of you a place to go to, so as to not overly-expose yourself in public. Alright, now shoo! Good work and maybe, just maybe, our paths will meet again for much more and at higher stakes.", knavishly shot Rob, as his fiery breath and gunshots created a powerful perception among his crew as if though a nude man was yelling with a high-pitched voice whilst making a whistling sound as he streaked past them and scarred their eyes.

With that being said, everyone drove off to their designated areas, wondering how on earth they got away with such a robbery, considering the facts that there was "tight security" and that the time was limited

Meanwhile, Rob and Cinnamon went to a nearby bar to celebrate. "Here's to our success!", toasted Cinnamon. They clinked glasses and U asked, "Your just going to keep the money from the other two guys, aren't you?". "Don't blame me. Blame my heritage, color, and an ounce of my genetics.", retorted Rob. "Whatever. Now what?", asked U. "The plan that I told you before. We scored 50k, in compressed time and at short notice and somehow, we escaped. Excuse my irrelevancy (while burping, coughing, and farting at the same time). With that 50k, we add it to the value of my private estate and combine the cash to get out of here and settle in Detroit, where all the bigger banks are. As I successfully commit a hit and run with each bank, I target even larger banks and stores than the ones I robbed. That's funny, 'cause it fits in both context and the reason I was given the name. But for right now, we simply put our minds at ease, celebrate, and simply relax until we get the dough", said Rob, acting as if though he's "all that" due to the invisibility of his darkness and he did a good thing. I don't blame him. I guess that's just his way of promoting his culture, destroying America, and being an outright dick. Narcotics, cash, and firearms are all key in Rob's dirty mind to survival, ladies & gentlemen. Stay addicted and most importantly, stay tuned to what's next. Got any horrific, undeveloped suggestions, America? If so, leave it in the comment section of this chapter and as per Rob's words to bid farewell, "Put your hands where I can see 'em and please urinate in this cup to signify that you aren't under the influence. Do a quick pat down for illegals as well.".

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