In which she falls for her brother's best friend
❝When I need a friend, You're the one that I choose, We're better together, Whenever we get stars in our eyes, Synchronize❞
🎖️ #4 in boy meets world
🎖️ #4 in Shawn Hunter
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"I'm gonna kill you if you don't listen to your mom"
The trio is at Cory's house. "Topanga...I miss Topanga...She had to go...she left me behind. Did our relationship mean nothing to her?!" Cory dumped his bag as Brooke and Shawn gave him a fed up look. "She's been gone for 2 days" Shawn huffed. "yeah and she'll be back in a week" Brooke shrugged.
"A WEEK WITHOUT TOPANGA!!" Cory shrieked. "Hey, Cor...I'm all about love and stuff...but this is a liiiiitle bit too much" Brooke narrowed her eyes.
"You both don't know what it feels like to be in love!" The curly haired boy whined. "You mean if I ever fall in love, I become like...him?!" Shawn asks, horrified. "Not this extreme, but somewhat like this" Brooke shrugged. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Shawn shrieked.
"I wouldn't worry about you falling in love, Shawn" Brooke sarcastically smiled. "What's that supposed to mean?" He raised a brow. "Nothin'" She simply pressed her lips into a thin line and gulped down a glass of water.
Cory sits on the chair but immediately stands up, wincing. He looked at the chair and saw one of Morgan's dolls' shoes. "Ouch! See? when Topanga isn't around, nothing goes well" He rubbed his butt and sat uncomfortably on the chair.
Amy walks into the kitchen.
"Hey kids- [notices Cory]- why does Cory look so uncomfortable?" She questioned. "I don't know, his hosiery is probably still bunchin'" Brooke adopted a husky voice, imitating Cory from a few days back. Shawn looked at her and they both laughed, high fiving, as Cory glared at them.
"Brooke, honey...did you see the poster for the cheerleading tryouts?" Amy asked. "Yeah it's all over school" Brooke shrugged. "So, when are the tryouts?"
"I don't know. Why do I care?" Brooke shrugged. "Aren't you trying out?" Brooke frowned.
"Maybe you should. It's a great opportunity" Amy suggested. "Cheerleading is not my thing"
"Cheerleading. Girls in short skirts. Meetings. At the Matthews' residence" Shawn's eyes widen as realization hits him. He jogs in front of Brooke and kneels, clasping his hands together. "Brooke, join the team, I beg you, join the team" He whined.
"Shawn what the- get up!" Brooke scolded. "Join the team!!" He begged. "Shawn, I'm not gonna dance around holding pompoms just cause you wanna meet girls" Brooke walked.
"Honey, please consider it. It's an awesome experience. Did I ever tell you how I was the cheerleader for-
"Lincoln high school" Cory, Brooke and Shawn said at the same time, a lack of enthusiasm in their tones.
" big cheer was...
Bo-bo skideeten dooten
♪ Lincoln High. yay! ♪
♪ Itten-bitten ditten-witten ♪
♪ Bo-bo skideeten dooten ♪
♪ Which diddly oten-doten ♪
♪ Bo-bo skideeten dooten ♪
♪ Lincoln High. yay! ♪"
"See? This is why I won't join the cheer team" Brooke huffed. "Brooke think again!" Shawn wailed.
"Then what would you rather do? play?" Brooke nodded a 'no'. "I don't know...I've always been a loser at extracurriculars and now next year I have to chose clubs and I don't even know where to start" Brooke shrugged.
"I already joined the baseball club and the pottery club and the cooking club" Cory announced. "Three clubs already? Damn, Cor. "Yeah well, for Topanga" he shrugged.
"Shawn, you're in the drama club huh?" Amy questioned. "Yes, I'm the prop dude. I just joined to get out of extra algebra practice" Shawn shrugged. "Brooke, maybe you could join the drama club. Remember when you were little, you used to dress up as snow white and Shawn would be the prince" Amy reminisced.
"Ha good old days. But we never got to kiss" Shawn pulled a face. "I'm glad we didn't" Brooke playfully glared. "I hated those..." Cory muttered
"Just cause you were the dwarf!" "Yeah, you don't see Eric complaining!"
"BECAUSE YOU GUYS NAMED ME CURLY. THERE IS NO DWARF CALLED CURLY!" "Okay brillo-head" Brooke rolled her eyes.
"B-Brillo head...she used to call me that...TOPANGA!!" Cory wailed.
"Brooke, sweetheart, seriously consider the cheerleading. The Matthews' girls...cheerleaders" "Yeah well, lucky for you, you still have Morgan. But it's just not gonna be me, mom. Sorry" Brooke shrugged.
"IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR MAMA I WILL KILL YOU" Shawn whined. "Put a sock in it" Brooke gave him a disgusted look.
"Must...not...kill...her" Shawn pretended as if he was trying his best not to murder Brooke. "I hate him"
"The try outs are tomorrow"
Filler I guess? Double update to make up for it tho :))