In which she falls for her brother's best friend
❝When I need a friend, You're the one that I choose, We're better together, Whenever we get stars in our eyes, Synchronize❞
🎖️ #4 in boy meets world
🎖️ #4 in Shawn Hunter
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"Trouble in Paradise, Miss Matthews?"
"Cor, you done? Let's go?" Brooke asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin, as she got up from the dining table. "Yeah, as soon as I'm done washing the plate." Cory, too, got up, earning a few looks from Amy. "Guys, it's nine in the evening. Where are you going?" Their mother asks.
"Mom, I told you in the afternoon. We were gonna be visiting Shawn's" Cory answered. "Oh right, you did. Okay" She agreed. "Shawn's? Why? Brooke? Why? Amy? Agreed? Why?" Alan asks, his eyes widening. "Cory and Brooke, daddy. You don't have to worry" Brooke rolled her eyes. "And to answer your question...Shawn hasn't been to school or our home in like six days. His parents are out of town for a few days and he's down with fever. So, we were just gonna drop by and give some medicines and drop this humidifier off" She answered.
"Ah, alright. Be back by 10, both of you. Cory, drive safe, okay?" Cory nodded, catching the keys Alan tossed. "Eric, why don't you go with them?" Amy gestured. "Really? Eric? Why would you want Brooke to babysit" Morgan scoffed, earning giggles from her parents. "Thanks babe" Brooke blew a kiss to the younger. "You saved me" She mouthed.
"Eric, off your butt and in the car" Alan said with a stern tone, making Eric frown. "Daddy, why, daddy, why?" He whined, slouching, as he got up, lazily dragging his body to the door.
Cory starts aggressively banging on the door, with loads of bags in his hand. "Can you at least take one?!" He yelled at Brooke who was blowing at her nails with a hand on her hips. "No, my manicure lady said not to put stress on my nails. They're at their weakest when they're fresh" She sassed, shoving her nails in his face. "Lazy bitch" Cory mumbled under his breathe.
The lights turned on and the door opened, revealing Shawn who looked like he had just finished putting on a shirt as he tugged on the ends, not without exposing a little bit of his torso. "Hi baby" Brooke stepped in with a bright smile and pecked him on the lips. "God, I haven't seen you in a week. Are you feeling better?" She placed the back of her hand on his forehead and neck before he could reply.
"For this, your manicure stays put?" Cory followed, dumping the bags on the dining table. "We're sorry for showing up unannounced but I was worried. And I tried calling. You didn't answer." She gave him an apologetic look. "Don't be silly, I missed you too. And I missed you as well, Cor" Shawn said, looking at the glaring boy. Brooke hugs the boy, her arms securing around his torso, clinging to him. She looked at his face with a grin. "I love it when you wear cozy clothes. You look cute" She giggled. He glared, wrapping an arm around her waist. "I'm not cute"
"He said with a small pout" Brooke remarked. She lets him go and grabs his hand, walking towards Cory. "We got you some stuff to tide you through" Cory says, as he starts taking things out of the bags. "Cough syrup. Aspirin" Cory lists as he takes everything out. "Vaporub? You guys, you didn't have to" He said in a low voice...that almost seemed...guilty?