In which she falls for her brother's best friend
❝When I need a friend, You're the one that I choose, We're better together, Whenever we get stars in our eyes, Synchronize❞
🎖️ #4 in boy meets world
🎖️ #4 in Shawn Hunter
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"I had enough time to think"
The 4 day trip ended very soon. Shawn and Brooke were ski buddies every day. Cory wasn't liking it one bit and he wasn't even bothered about hiding it.
It was on the way back when Cory saw Brooke dozing off on Shawn's shoulder as he shared an earphone with her. "Brooke wake up" He walked towards Brooke, grabbing the seat, so he doesn't loose balance. "Why?" She whined. "Go sit with Topanga. I wanna sit with Shawn for a bit." Brooke, being to tired to argue, grabbed her mp3 player, earphones and walked towards Topanga's seat.
"I hate him" Brooke pouted, putting her head on Topanga's shoulder this time. "He'll grow on you" Topanga joked, as she patted Brooke's head twice.
Over the weekend, Brooke was super confused. Her thoughts were cloudy and she didn't know what to think. She was distracted all the time, trying to sort her feelings out. She was in denial for as long as she could remember. She tried everything. Reminding herself of the million cons, trying to forget whatever happened, even speed-cleaning her room... But nothing helped.
"Buzzy Bee seems not so Buzzy" Eric said, walking by the kitchen as Brooke rested her head on the table. "I'm not in the mood, Eric" Brooke says, harshly. Eric puts his hands up in defense. "Chill..."
"I'm sorry...I'm just a bit...weirded out" "Oh no, did mom and dad exchange their valentine's day, Pooh Bear and Boom Boom cards?" Eric smacked his head. "Eric, Valentine's day is weeks away!" Brooke huffed.
"I'm kinda confused about things." Eric sits down. "You wanna talk about it?" "Yes but not now. I'm trying my best to keep my mind of it" Eric nods, understanding her. "If you do need to talk, anytime, any can come to me" He ruffled Brooke's hair.
"Thanks, Eric. You're a good brother" Brooke smiled warmly. "That I am" He agreed.
"WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Topanga freaked as Brooke quickly grabbed her hand. "Shush! Someone will hear you!" Brooke whispered as they entered the school. "I've thought about this over the weekend. I mean, I weighed down the pros and cons and...I even tried forgetting it and y'know convincing myself that it's a 2 day phase. But it didn't work"
"Brooke you don't get it..." Topanga sighed. "This might sound crazy. It might sound stupid. It might sound insane.