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"I'm not afraid of commitment"

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"I'm not afraid of commitment"

In the days leading up to his conversation with Brooke, Cory found himself deep in thought. He had spent countless hours weighing the pros and cons of accepting Brooke and Shawn's relationship.

On one hand, he couldn't deny the happiness that they seemed to bring each other. He had seen the genuine smiles, heard the laughter, and witnessed the ease with which they interacted. Brooke had confided in him about how much Shawn meant to her, and Shawn had reassured him that their relationship was genuine.

On the other hand, Cory couldn't shake the feeling of being left out, of his once rock-solid world being shaken. He cherished his relationship with both his sister and his best friend, and the thought of their connection changing filled him with anxiety.

As he contemplated, he realized that feelings were rarely straightforward. They were often messy, complicated, and unpredictable. And ultimately, it wasn't something he could control. He reminded himself about the time he had problems with his relationships and if Brooke acted with him the way he was, he wouldn't have been able to handle it all on his own. 

It took time, effort and evidence to convince Cory that Brooke and Shawn are right for each other. Eventually, one thing led to the other, and Cory Matthews was starting to become enthusiastic about the new "couple". 

In fact, some may even say he was too enthusiastic. 

Very enthusiastic. 

So much that it was hard to stay in limits. 

"Cory, will you please get off my back?!" Shawn asked frustrated grabbing his hair as he sat opposite to Cory, in a chubbies' booth. "I've told you I need some time to think about this. It's my life, my decision."

"Shawn, we just want you to be happy, and we believe that this is the right step for you." He said, earnest. 
"We've seen how much you and Brooke like each other. We thought we could help you see that it's worth it. Obviously, you both want to make it official..." Topanga tried to be supportive which was lowkey failing since Shawn's temper grew. 
"You're not listening to me! This isn't your decision to make. It's mine and Brooke's, and I'm tired of you both meddling in our business." He took a deep breathe to control his anger. "I get it. You're just helping us, but it's not simple. Yes, I like Brooke a lot, she's an amazing girl. I want to make it official too. I have doubts tho" Cory placed a palm on Shawn's shoulder. 

"Shawn, you can't keep dragging your feet forever. Look, we wouldn't have tried convincing you if you wouldn't have told us that you want to make it offish. And all I can think about is why you want to make it official, but can't!" Cory said, backtracking. 
"I have reasons, okay?" 

"What reasons, Shawn?" Topanga said concerned. 

"Because I'm scared of getting hurt okay!? I've seen the pain on my dad's face every time my mom walks out on him after a fight, cause he's not good enough. In the longer run, It's hurting them both! I don't wanna be hurt. Neither do I want Brooke to be hurt" Cory and Topanga exchanged a glance. 

"Shawn, I just think you're afraid of commitment" Topanga said, sipping on her milkshake. 
"I'm not afraid of commitment! I've been with Cory for 15 years" Shawn said, defensive. 
"Those have been some good 15 years" Cory dreamily sighed. Topanga opened her mouth to retaliate when a certain brunette walked in.

"Hey guys" Brooke dumped her bag next to Shawn and sat down. "Shawn you bombarded my cell! I might delete Bolt and Six Degrees*" Brooke scoffed and picked up a fry from Cory's basket. 
"Hey pretty girl" He kissed her cheek, making her giggle. "In my defense, you were late" Cory glared at the duo for PDA. 
"I know. Sorry, I was caught up with something" She bit her lip. "Why, what'd I miss?" 

"Absolutely nothing" Cory said before anyone else could speak. 


Shawn found himself alone with his thoughts. He sat on Cory's bed, ruminating about his relationship with Brooke. Doubts were swirling in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't good enough for her.

"I do want to make it official. I really do, Cory! After six amazing dates, who wouldn't? but Brooke deserves someone better than me. I've got too much baggage. I'm just not sure I'm the right guy for her. I mean, I've got a history of messing up relationships, and I don't want to hurt her. I can't do that. Not to her. Not to my favorite girl" Shawn sadly muttered to Cory, slouching. 

"Shawny, listen to me. I've known you for practically my whole life. You've grown so much, and you're not the same guy you were back then" Cory comforted. 
"Back then? You mean me like three months back?" Shawn rolled his eyes. 
"A lot...can change in three months. Trust me."

"I know I've changed. But there are times where I doubt myself. My family background, my history with girls-" Cory cut him off. 

"None of that matters! I swear, none of it does. Shawn, if you're actually serious about Brooke, then nothing can stop you. Not your past, not your worries and not even me. I want both of you to be happy. you've got something special with Brooke. I've seen it. She makes you happy, and you do the same for her. Who doesn't make mistakes? We all do, damn it! but that doesn't mean we're destined to repeat them. You've got the power to change, to learn from your past and build something that makes you happy" 

 "I want to believe that, Cory. But I'm just terrified of hurting her or getting hurt myself."

"Shawn, love involves risks. But you can't let fear hold you back. If you truly care about her, you'll do everything in your power to make it work. And I know you will." Shawn smiled, pulling Cory into a tight, brotherly hug. Shawn was ready. He wanted to make it official and somewhere, through unsaid words, Brooke wanted it to. Insecurities had almost outpowered him. But Cory was there to erase them. 

"I know how much Brooke means to you, Cor. Thanks for trusting me with her" Cory smiled brightly.

 "Always, buddy. Oh and. I'm sorry for pulling a Feeny on you" They both laughed for a few seconds. "And sorry for being a jerk when I first found out" He said, embarrassed. "Just don't hurt her, Shawn. I'll make sure she doesn't do that to you either."

They talked a bit.

"I think- No. I'm ready. I wanna make things official with Brooke" 


We're getting outta the situationship with this one 💪🏻

*Bolt and Six Degrees: The first ever social networking site. (creator) Dan Pelson designed Bolt as a platform for 15-20-year-olds to use for email, voice mail, voice chat, message boards, and instant messaging. It was launched in 1997. It was popular from the late 90s till the early 2000s, before Bolt announced in its forums that it would shut down, after 11 years of being launched. 


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