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"It's definitely interesting"

Shawn found himself at a swanky restaurant, feeling a bit out of his element. He was dressed in his best attempt at formal wear, trying to blend in with the upscale crowd around him. Angela, on the other looked effortlessly stunning in her elegant outfit, clearly at ease in this upscale environment.

"Wow, babe, don't you think this place is a bit too much?" Shawn nervously chuckled, wiping beads of sweat of his face with a napkin.
"It's just dinner Shawn. My dad and I used to come here all the time!" Angela enthusiastically shared.

As they sat at a dimly lit table, Shawn couldn't help but fidget with his silverware. The waiter appeared, listing off a series of dishes that sounded more like foreign languages than food options. He nodded along, hoping he wasn't completely butchering the pronunciation.

"So how did today treat you?" Angela asked, hoping to spark a conversation.

Shawn took a moment to gather his thoughts, "Oh, you know, the usual. School stuff"

"Anything interesting?" She leaned in, looking right into his eyes.
"I wouldn't say interesting, but I got into a detention. Cause I played with one of Eric's Feeny dolls" Shawn laughed, but soon his laughter died down when he realized that there were a few stares thrown at him.

"Shh keep it down a little" Angela whispered.

The conversation flowed on, Angela talking animatedly about her day, her friends, and some upcoming art exhibit she was excited to see. Shawn listened attentively, nodding and occasionally throwing in a few "yeahs" and "uh-huhs" to show he was engaged.

Their appetizers arrived, complex creations that Shawn had no idea how to tackle. He cautiously took a small bite, his mind wandering to the thought of a cheesy pizza, with his favorite toppings instead. Angela's enthusiasm for the food was evident as she described the flavors and textures, but Shawn struggled to muster up the same level of excitement.

"Mhmm. Crispy greens and seared scallops. The contrast of the tangy flavor with the creamy texture is chefs kiss" Angela excitedly explained. "The greens have this zesty kick, and the scallops are so dang tender on the inside, but with a nice seared crust on the outside. It's like a flavor explosion in my mouth. Don't you think?" She looked up at him, wanting his opinion on the food.

He tried to contribute to the conversation, "Yeah, it's definitely different. I mean, it's...uhh... interesting."

As the main course arrived, Shawn couldn't help but let his gaze wander around the restaurant. The ambiance was classy, the atmosphere sophisticated, but it just wasn't his scene. He found himself yearning for a more laid-back setting, where he and Angela could just be themselves without all the formality.

Angela's eyes sparkled as she chatted about her plans for the weekend, mentioning a high-end auction she wanted to attend since her father was in town. Shawn nodded along, feeling a bit disconnected from the conversation. He took a sip of his drink, contemplating how he could steer things towards a more relaxed topic.

After what felt like an eternity, dessert arrived – another masterpiece of art on a plate. Angela's excitement was palpable, and she eagerly dug in, savoring each bite. Shawn, on the other hand, picked at his dessert, his mind wandering to the possibility of grabbing some ice cream on the way home.

He wasn't used to this. He didn't wanna be. It felt a bit... show-off. 

I mean why would they pay so much just for the minimum portion to arrive on their plate.
Shawn had told Angela that he wanted to avoid going to a place but Angela insisted. 

Whatever tho. It's just a one time thing. He wouldn't end up here again.

After dropping Angela to her front door, and exchanging a loving kiss, Shawn sat back in the car he'd temporarily borrowed from Eric, driving away. 

Shawn's pager beeped.

He took it out to see a message from Cory. 

"You wanna sleep over at my place? I'm not home right now but I should be there in an hour" Shawn smiled at the message and took the right-turn instead. 

He reached the house and was about to knock when he felt his stomach grumble.

"Ow" He muttered before knocking.

"Door's open." The feminine voice paused, as if rethinking the words. "Unless, you're a thief...then it's closed. My dad's a cop!!" Shawn laughed a her silliness and opened the door.
"Don't worry. Not a thief" He put both his arms in surrender and Brooke smiled.

"How was the date?" Brooke looked comfy, sitting on the couch with her footy pajamas, as the TV was drowned in the conversation. 
"Pretty good" Shawn removed his shoes and walked in. 

He noticed a box of pizza on her lap. 

"I can't finish the whole thing. A little help?" Brooke picked up a slice and offered it to Shawn. 
"You don't have to tell me twice" He plopped himself on the couch next to her, taking the pizza from her, while Brooke takes another slice for herself. 

They clash their pizzas together as if doing a 'cheers' but with food.

"Man I love pizza. It's like a round piece of heaven with a crispy crust that's like a hug for your taste buds." Brooke moaned in delight. "The way the tangy tomato sauce clashes with the--" She was cut off.

"Sweetish taste of the cheese" He excitedly completed. "And the crisp and crunch of the-"

"Mushrooms! and the way the chicken has a sm-" 
"-Smoky burnt flavor on the outside and soft, bouncy texture on the inside" Brooke completed.

"Exactly! I love the pa-"
"Pan pizza with mozzarella in the crust" He winked.

"Damn, Shawn. It's like you know what I'm gonna say before I know what I'm gonna say" Brooke took a bite of her happiness- pizza.
"You've loved the same thing since we were kids. Never change" He chuckled.
"Which reminds me, I should probably go to the gym" She giggled. "I'll come with you. But pizza first"

"Amen to that"

And while they were discussing their passion and love for pizza, they didn't realize the time slip away as the rest of the world drowned in the sounds of their laughter.


Shawny ❤🦋🤞💞💥🎈🔥😍🤭

Note: New chapters every Friday, 9:00 pm GMT+4 😘

(Only if I manage to stay on schedule. I have ADHD guys 😭)

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