The dream

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Lucy POV
2048 words

"Lucy we need to run come on." Lockwood dragged me along. I looked behind us to see the jawless man in slacks. The headless man in armour, the eyeless girl in the straw hat George said he killed. I saw them all, they were wisps of nothing, shadows really. But sometimes they shimmered, a glimpse of their bloody demise. Lockwood tugged my wrist.
"We just need to go a little further."
"They're still following us!" I cried back. My knees felt so weak they could just give out.
"Don't focus on them focus on me." I felt that warm flutter in my heart, it seemed to break the ice that had been forming around my heart.

We reached the bottom of the grassy hill. Lockwood's hand slipped out of mine. He was breathing hard through clenched teeth, but I could make it, I went to run and slipped on ice. Falling, falling forever.

Pain was all I could feel as the brambles cut through my skin, my cheek and my thigh were bleeding. But Lockwood wasn't there. I called out to him, but he wasn't there.

Suddenly I could see him, but it wasn't through my eyes. I was a spectator, watching him hunched on the top of the hill, my lifeless body in his arms. He was crying, gripping at my jacket, his other hand clenched in a fist. I called out to him but i had no voice.

I awoke to the sound of a gruff voice calling out to me.
"Lucy!! Lucy!! LUCY."
"What?" I sat up, tears were streaming down my cheeks. I was crying.
"Lockwood the pervert came in here."
"What? Why is your valve even open? I thought i shut it." I wiped my tears and stood up.
"Oh that's just peachy isn't it? You do know you were getting watch-"
I twisted the valve at the top of his jar and cut off the voice, his grotesque face still moving along. I didn't realise but i was still shaking. Goosebumps were all up and down my arms. I opened my drawer and got out my fluffy socks. Putting a dressing gown on, I walked down the attic steps quietly. Everyone should still be asleep, so I needed to be quiet. For Lockwood's sake mainly, I doubt George would wake up if a ghost went and slapped him.

As I approached the landing I considered checking in on Lockwood. I hope he wasn't having nightmares like me. The other-side was a nightmarish trip for both of us so it wouldn't have surprised me if he was having dreams about it as well. I thought better than to check though, he needed sleep. He needed sleep more than any of us did. I walked down the stairs and passed the library, where he usually stayed if he couldn't sleep. And finally the kitchen. When I couldn't sleep I didn't do mad experiments in the basement like George, or sit and read magazines like Lockwood. I made jam on toast and stared off into space. That was my comfort, or I would draw.

When I opened the door to the kitchen Lockwood was stood there, his back to me.
"Oh. Lockwood. Hey."
"Hey. Couldn't sleep?" He turned around to face me. He had dark patches under his eyes, I guessed he couldn't sleep either. I shook my head and made my way to the bread bin when he said, "I'm already making you some, sit down." I smiled. He always knew what I wanted. Tears started to form in my eyes, when I looked at him all I could think about was my dream. The way he cried and held onto me.

"Hey what's wrong?" He frowned and cupped my cheeks. I couldn't help it, I pressed my face into his chest and gripped his strong back. I felt his back muscles tense slightly. I felt the tears rise up, I cried into his chest.
"I thought you were dead, I- I had this dream- Lockwood." I sobbed, "This awful dream."
"Well, Luce, it was just a dream. Just a dream." He muttered, holding me, resting his head on mine. It felt so comfortable.

"I know but it felt so," My whole body shook with the feeling, the memory. I shakily pulled away from him to look at him, to remind myself that he is here. "So real."
There was a moment of silence before he spoke. "..I understand that, I had a dream too."
"You did?" My eyes widened. It was sad how normal this was. Agents had dreams about past cases all the time. The toast sprang out of the toaster, Lockwood pulled it out of the toaster. Then went and took out the butter and jam from the fridge.

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