Ride Home

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Lucy POV
948 Words


I brought my head up from my arms, red marks and tear trails were burnt into my skin. My eyes were puffy, and my head hurt. I forced my vision to focus. At first I thought my prayers had been answered, I thought it was Lockwood or that little boy. I had thought about that boy, wishing he would come talk to me, tell me that he was okay, that it didn't hurt, that it wasn't scary. Just like how I had hoped. For Norrie.

But it was Kipps, he stood there above me, cigarette in hus mouth. He was reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out a lighter. I looked up at him, wiping my tears on the palms of my hands.
"You're not supposed to smoke."
"Says who? You?" He flicked his blue/grey eyes down at me. Sometimes his eyes were stoney grey, and other times they looked icy blue. Today they were grey. I shook my head. "Says the doctor."
"I'll believe that when I'm sat there, no boxers on, in a hospital gown like Tony is."

"Why'd you do it? Smoke I mean." I chose to ignore the 'no boxers on' bit. My cheeks were already red enough.
He shrugged, breathing out the smoke. It trailed around in the soft air of the dying sunlight. "Helps me feel less stressed." I had known Kipps for quite a while. I had seen him go through the bossy stage of team leader. His nose up-turned whenever George, Lockwood or me said anything. I had seen him go through being a tired team leader, during the Chelsea Case. He still hated Lockwood and Co but he was the only person who heard us out, who helped us look around Aickmere's.

And I had seen him at his lowest, when he lost his talent, his job, his friend.

And now he stood there, smoking, staring off into the pale pink sky. He seemed older, sadder. I got to my feet.
"Remember when you asked me out to the Fittes At 50 Ball?"
"What?" He looked at me startled, his cigarette bending slightly in his mouth.
"Yeah, or how when I turned you down you asked me out to coffee?" His pale freckled cheeks grew pink.
"Oh. Uh." He took the cigarette out his mouth, breathing out the smoke through the corner of his mouth. "Well I was stupid. And- and didn't know when to stop. I'm sorry."
"No it's okay, it was sweet." He cheeks grew even more pink.

"And look." I took a step closer to him, stood on my tiptoes, and picked the cigarette from his mouth. "You don't need that to feel better. You need your friends." He gave a startled hum, and reached for the cigarette.
"Nope." I dropped it on the ground, and stood on it, just like how other people do. I felt almost proud of myself, like I looked like I knew what I was doing.
"Lucy! That was my last one!" He groaned.
"Perfect!" I shrugged, throwing my hands up. He laughed. "What??" I tilted my head.
"You're just.." He stared at me, then his smile faded. "Tony's very lucky to have you, you know that?"

"Yeah well, I doubt he even remembers me."
"You should have heard what he was saying about me," Kipps leaned back against the wall, "He doesn't even remember asking me to join Lockwood and Company."
"Wait.. really?" My eyes widened.
"Yeah, he thought Holly and George were pranking him."
"Yeah." He stared at the sky, a strand of ginger hair falling in his face.
"I'm sorry, Quill," I took his hand gently, "I know it can be hard, especially because you two hated each other for so long and you were just getting closer." He looked down at me, his grey eyes searching my face.

"Why are you sorry?"
"Because.. well.. It was my fault he ended up in that coma. Just like it was my fault last time."
"There was a last time??" He laughed.
"Well no, he hit his head pretty bad trying to save me, but he didn't get in a coma. It wasn't as bad as this time. But it's still my fault." I looked down at my feet, afraid tears might fall again.

"Hey, Carlyle, I'm sure he doesn't blame you. You know.. you know he loves you a lot right?"
"Yeah, and he has for a long time." I smiled, looking back at Kipps.
"Thank you, Kipps."
"Of course." He smiled back. I realised I was still holding his hand, I squeezed it, then let go.

The door opened.
"Hey, we gotta leave now! George is calling a cab! The doctor says Lockwood needs to rest a little more. And he should be good to go, by tomorrow afternoon." It was Holly, she was holding the door open by the metal bar, leaning halfway out.
Kipps turned his head to face her.
"Okay!" I called back, "Be right there." I walked out from against the wall, "Well, I'll see you later then, Kipps. You got your own ride home, yeah?"
He nodded, "Yeah, see you around Carlyle." He waved slightly.

"And no more smoking, yeah?"
"Yeah." He laughed.
"Promise me!"
"I promise." He still looked tired, a little worn, but he would be okay. I nodded, and headed back inside.

As I walked down the corridor to the front doors, I thought about what Kipps said. Lockwood really did love me, and even if he forgot, I could help him remember. And as I joined George and Holly in the taxi, I made my mind up, I would help Lockwood remember.

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