Just like old times?

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writers note: next chapter will have slight smut in it btw just a warning

Lockwood POV
1007 words

🎵I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone
And now i'm still hanging on
I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was🎵
- What once was by Her's

After a few goodbyes were said, we took the cab home back to Portland Row, where another sleepless morning lay ahead of me. Where all the normal citizens of dreary London were just waking up and making their breakfast, whilst agents like us were just nodding off. This was our time to sleep, recover, bandage wounds and shower.
It was also my time to sit in my seat like normal and stare into the flames of the Library fire.

Me and Holly entered the familiar hallway and switched on the skull-lamp sat on the shelf by the front door, it was weird, the house being so quiet. I could almost feel the walls exhale as if they'd been waiting for our return all night.
"I'll put the kettle on?" Holly asked, but she was already making her way across the hallway and towards the kitchen. I absentmindedly nodded. Instead I was replaying what had just happened an hour ago.

Me and Lucy in the basement the uncomfortable small talk and the stupid thumbs up I had given her. Or when she had came and sat down next to me on the stairs. When i gave her the ring, when i put my hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her out of ghost-lock. And after, when she had dressed my wounds.

I even thought about before all of that, when i had knocked on her door two days ago. When i had seen her for the first time in four painful months. Now that it was over, it felt like nothing really happened. She didn't come back for good. It was exactly what i had promised her, it was just that one case and nothing more.

I did eventually fall asleep, grudgingly, demanded from Holly, i made my way up the cold wooden stairs to my room on the landing. I laid in bed for a while, my window open, my curtains drawn. Light from the sun that had fully risen in the sky was filing in through the gaps in the curtains. Eventually the warmth of my bed and the sun, and the comforting noise of Holly pottering about the house made me fall asleep.

When i awoke again, it was to knocking on my bedroom door.
"Yes? It's open, Holly." I croaked out. The door opened and it was George, he was kitted out in apron and gloves. Green ectoplasm stains ate away at the blue rubber of the gloves.
"Hey, Holly just stepped out to Arif's for some doughnuts later." I opened my mouth but he stopped me, "Nah its just doughnuts for us, you know what she's like, she wont touch the stuff, especially the icing." He gave a lazy grin, the corners of his mouth pushing up his glasses on his nose.

"Yeah, it would surprise me if she got them for herself." I sat up, leaning my head on the headboard, taking a sip of water.
"Mhm, bet you she actually keeps a hidden stash."

"How much? I'll take that bet." He laughed, it was deep, he sounded worn out. "Hey man, you doing okay?"

"Yeah, just tired, couldn't really catch up on any sleep when i got home. Went out to archives instead."
"I thought i heard a bang earlier from the front door."
"Mh, yeah got a tip about some good books on the Problem 50 years before, something about Marissa."
"Did you find it?"
"Nah." He shook his head, his sandy hair sloshed from side to side, he then threw me a newspaper.

"Thought you ought to read that. Quill gave his news back to Penelope, she told one of her workers to write about our 'bravery'. Pretty good stuff. If you ignore how they included Lucy." I looked up from the paper.
"Hey, she did a good job. If it weren't for her we wouldn't have figured out the kitchen was where the source was. The temp readings were mainly all the same, it was her Listening that gave it away."

"Yeah well also the brighter death-glows, but sure if you wanna put it that way." He shrugged lazily, "Now i gotta get back to cooking."
Anger started to move in my stomach, making my pyjama shirt collar hot, i unbuttoned the second button.
"What's your problem with her, George?" He stopped, looked at me.
"Dunno, what's your thing with her? You've been dying to get her back all Winter." I laughed, though it was true.

"No I haven't, Penelope asked-"
"'Penelope asked' Blah, blah, you jumped with joy knowing we could work a case with her again, just like old times."
"Please, they're hardly 'old times.'"  
He stood there for a moment, looked at me. Then there came a beeping noise from the oven in the kitchen.
"Well whatever, it happened now, you got your hours back with her. Now she's gone and we gotta deal with that." With that, he shut the door, and pattered down the stairs to finish dinner.

Had I really slept for that long? It was only a few hours before Curfew sounded, the sun hadn't gone just yet. But a few ghost-lamps were flickering on. Holly must have rang back whatever clients we were going to be dealing with tonight, and told them we were taking the night off. I hated it when she did that, i felt more myself when i worked, instead, being sat at home, i just became restless.

My mind wandered to what George had said, 'You got your hours back with her.' and 'What's your thing with her?' I had been certain all summer George had picked up on me being awkward around Lucy. Heavy weight rested on my chest every time i thought about it. Honestly it embarrassed me, i still felt regret for the fact i let her kiss me. And that i had done the same indecent act to her. It was disgraceful. But did he know? Was the conversation proof he knew or proof he didn't?

 But did he know? Was the conversation proof he knew or proof he didn't?

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