As scarlet as a tomato

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writers note: skipped a few chapters through the Creeping Shadow (for those who have read the books) so they're now in Albury Castle

Lucy POV
894 words

The countryside would have been a nice change of scenery for a holiday. Instead we're there for a monstrous being who tears up the souls from the dead... allegedly. I mean it was nice, but it wasn't Portland Row. The whole inn we stayed at smelt of beer, old wood and dust

"Call it what you want," Holly spoke, riffling through her bag in our room, "but it's got a lovely view. Better than smoggy london skies huh?" Outside the window you could see rolling hills of grass and trees. Cow's and sheep shut in behind wooden fences. Horses munching on grass.
"Yeah it's a whole lot better than waking up and getting greeted by the skull on my windowsill, as well"

Holly laughed. "Why do you wanna find that repulsive skull anyway?" She asked, retrieving some pot from her bag.
"I don't really know, feels lonely without him i guess. Plus he's rare." I shrugged.
"Ohhh yeah. I'm gonna do a face mask if that's alright? Won't take too long." She looked back at me over her shoulder, her long curly dark hair swung from side to side. Her face was already as shiny as glass and as clear as it too. I bet if I stared at her face for long enough I would see my reflection.

"Yeah don't worry, i'll be here." I shrugged and, sat down on the gross hotel mattress. But i was grateful of Holly. She seemed to care about me a whole lot more than i thought she did a few months ago. She disappeared through to the small bathroom leaving the smell of caramel body cleansing cream, and lavender perfume, drifting behind her.

I stayed there on the bed, head rested against the headboard. Mindlessly flicked through a magazine, until i heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lockwood popped his head in.
"Oh hey!"
"Hey.." he looked around the room for a split second. "Woah your room is far better than mine."
I shrugged. "It's decent. What's up?" I smiled at him. God he looked even better somehow. Was that possible? He always looked amazing, even at his worst, even in the Dark Winter.

"Well i was thinking if you would want to go on a stroll with me through the town. That boy said the Creeping Shadow usually shows up around this time, might catch it? If not it would be nice to have a walk around the countryside mh?"
I grinned, "Yeah okay!"
He grinned back, his best grin. "Great! See you by the front door in 5 minutes?" I nodded, he gave a thumbs up and walked off.
"What happened? Lockwood stop by?" Holly walked out of the bathroom, a towel in her hand.
"How'd you know?"
"You're as scarlet as a tomato. And i heard his voice."
I'm certain i didn't look very attractive anyway, but looking like a tomato was a new low for me. I put my hands on my cheeks and felt how warm they were.

"Am i actually that red??" Holly flicked a mirror at me, the lid hung open, inside the mirror was a circle reflection of me. My cheeks were indeed as scarlet as a tomato. She giggled, and sat down at the end of the bed.
"It's alright, Lucy, so what did Lockwood want?"
"Asked to go on a walk." I said cooly. Holly squealed.
"No way!! That's so romantic, night-time, countryside walk??? Awww!!!" She hopped up from the bed and grabbed something out of her bag. Then laid them out in front of me. I had confided in Holly with my problems with Lockwood. I didn't include the vital part that I know how his lips taste. And that we haven't discussed it since.

"Do you really think a night stroll deserves an outfit change?" I asked, nervously looking at the items Holly and pulled out. She grinned mischievously, and held up the outfit.


I stepped out into the hallway, pulling at my short skirt. The frills itched the back of my legs. Yes i wore skirts sure, but not like this one. This one was fancy, shorter than my usual, and I wasn't wearing leggings with it. Instead of my usual stained jumpers. I wore a fancy blouse, it had a low front or whatever so it showed more of my neck. I only wore that, no jacket. Holly even ever so slightly styled my hair, she said not to do too much or else it will come off as weird. He did only say a night stroll, not a date, so. I stepped down the creaky wooden stairs and towards the hallway. Lockwood was stood there, if he was surprised, he hid it well. His eyes didn't widen. He didn't say anything till i was by him.

"Well, what's this, Luce?" All confidence i was feeling before, which wasn't much, came crashing down. I pulled at the back of the skirt again, sweat lined my forehead. "Oh Holly got me some new clothes. Trying on a new look that's all... like it?" I smiled, weakly. I hoped I at least sounded sexy however you do that.
"Well it's chilly out there. You'll need a jacket at least."

My heart sank, bitter sadness ripped into me like the cold dead hands of a million ghosts. He didn't care about how I dressed, how I looked, he didn't like me.
"Uh," I gulped back tears, "Y-yeah, i'll be fine. Don't worry." I shakily smiled. He opened the door and we stepped out into the dark night.

 He opened the door and we stepped out into the dark night

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