Dazed and Confused

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Lockwood POV
768 Words

Dazed and confused couldn't cover it. I had apparently spent four days in the hospital, in a coma. The shortest coma they have seen in a long time, apparently. It still hurt to think about the night in question though, about the attack.

I had sat up after scaring the nurse half to death, and waited for my tea to arrive. I sat there taking in the room. A small window to one side, the door to the other. On the door read '27B'.

The nurse came back holding a styrofoam cup of tea, and looking a lot less pale. "Here you are, Mr Lockwood." He handed me the cup.
"Thank you." I smiled and took a sip, well that's an understatement. She watched me in concern as I swallowed the whole thing down, I would have eaten the styrofoam too if she hadn't had took the cup from me.

"You'll make yourself sick, Mr Lockwood. I know you're parched, but you need to get used to being awake before you have any more." She put the cup down on a tray and moved the heartbeat monitor out the way. "Just need to run a few tests first to make sure there's nothing odd going on." Whilst she messed about with checking my temperature, my heart-rate, and what-not, a memory popped into my mind.

I remembered when I was sat in the void, the image I conjured up of Lucy, George and Holly in the lounge. I flinched for the first time, and she looked up at me startled.
"Have you notified anyone I'm awake?" I quickly asked.
"Yes we called the other residents at 35 Portland Row, is that alright?" I nodded, and let myself relax back into the cushions.

Not even an hour later, just as I was eating my food - soup and crackers with a bottle of water - the door opened.

Three people stood there in the doorway. Lucy was at the front, her auburn hair scattered around her face and shoulders. She wore a fuzzy blue jumper, skull tights and combat boots. George and Holly stood behind. They all looked tired, bags hung under their eyes, and their hair was slightly less controlled. Well I say that, but something told me George and Lucy usually looked like that. It was surprising from Holly none the less.

Lucy stood there, holding the door handle still, staring at me as if in a daze. George and Holly moved past her.

"Lockwood!" Holly squeaked and hugged me, she pulled away quickly, her face showing a stern expression. "I'm never letting you do a job with Lucy alone ever again. I can't believe this!" She hugged me again and muttered against my shoulder, "I'm so glad you're okay." Then pulled away fully.

The nurse took away my tray of food so they had more room. George stepped forward and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Hey mate." I smiled. "Did you get the book?" He sighed, "Well yes and no-" Holly slapped his arm.
"This is not the time for business talk Cubbins!"
"Ow! Alright!" He sighed and rubbed his arm, then turned his blue eyes back to me they were softer than before, "Lockwood, you really scared all of us, Lucy especially, but, we're all glad you're safe. And we can't wait to have you back home, man." He smiled then, a rare George smile.

"I can't wait either." Something was bothering me though, my brows furrowed in confusion, "Wait, why especially Lucy?"

"What." Holly and George, looked at each other for a moment.

"Well, George said 'especially Lucy.' Why?" I asked again, even more confused. Lucy wasn't behind them anymore, she must have left, but I didn't hear her leave.

"Lockwood.." Holly started.
"Lockwood what do you mean, 'why?'" George frowned, then looked behind him at the door, "Wait, where'd Lucy go?"
"I think she went to get air, it must be a lot for her." Holly put her hand on her heart.
"Hold on, back up," I spoke up again, now twisting in the bed so I could hang my legs off it, "Why is this a lot for her?"

I tried to remember if anything had happened between me and Lucy to make this a hard time for her. But nothing came up, we had gone through a lot, but so had Holly and George. So had all of Lockwood and Co. The door opened, I was expecting it to be Lucy, ready to give me all the answers, but instead it was my enemy.

Quill Kipps.

Quill Kipps

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