Dark haired boy

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Lucy POV
2284 Words

I woke up to the smell of an english breakfast. And to all the non brits out there, it is one of the most comforting smell when you've been upset. I sat up, the jumper was still there by my side. I stretched and got up, walking over to my bathroom and took a shower. When I reached the kitchen George was at the stove, a pan in his hand, eggs in the pan.
"Oh good, yours is already done." He pointed to the table, "Didn't know if you were gonna come down this morning or not." I sat down at the table.
"Why wouldn't I come down?" George nodded to the basement door.
"Oh. He's already practicing? We only got a few hours till the case. It's like 2PM."
George snorted, "Don't you have a clock in your room? It's 2:45PM actually."
"Woah big difference, Georgey. Thanks." I smiled and stood up.

"Where you going?" He turned back to the pan.
"To go talk to him."
"Well can you also tell him that if he doesn't hurry up I'm gonna burn his eggs." George gave me a smile them turned back to the stove

I walked down the spiral stairs to Lockwood. The sound of a rapier slicing through the air filled the room. I got to the bottom of the stairs and watched Lockwood in action. He was graceful, swift movement of a long leg, swift swipes of a long arm. He attacked Esmerelda, slicing into her side before circling her once again fainting his sword at her sides.
"Hey Luce." He smiled through an open mouth, he was panting, sweat keeping his hair stuck against his forehead.

Like always he managed to notice me standing there thought I never said a word and I never saw him look at me.

"Hey. Uh.." I stopped myself, realising I was blushing, my brain stuttered. "Um, George says if you don't hurry up he'll burn your eggs." Lockwood scoffed and his movements slowed, he wiped his glistening forehead with the back of his arm.
"Yeah yeah, he says that every time." Lockwood gave me a smile, his hair was slicked to the side.
I stepped off the last step and crossed the room to my desk where a towel hung. "Here." I walked over to him and stood on my tiptoes wiping his forehead for him.

"Um.. thanks." I smiled at him and he took the towel from me. "Tell him I'll be right up." Lockwood turned away from me his plimsol squeaking on the chalk on the ground.
"Yup." I stood there for a moment, watching his refined back muscles moving against his tight shirt. "See you in a sec." I headed back up to the kitchen where another plate of food sat, Holly was at the table pouring a smoothie into her cup.

"Good morning Lucy. You're up rather early."
I didn't really take in what she was saying. I wonder what was going on with Lockwood, he would do these things that could have been seen as friendly, or was it more? I felt warm, being so close to him again shocked me, just like yesterday when our hands touched.
"Lucy?" Holly asked, George was sat at the table now, mouth already covered in egg and bacon and sausage.
"Yeah, sorry, just a little foggy today." I smiled at joined them for breakfast.

"Not having any, Hol?" George asked, gesturing to the food. "No I've already ate, and I don't like eating too heavy meals before a case. Makes me feel all nauseous when we're there." She smiled, "After my drink I'll go down and pack your bags."
"Will Kipps be joining us?"
"Oh, no not this time. Apparently he had some rather important lead to catch up on. Better be important, he was quite rude to me over the phone when I asked if he would be joining us tonight." George said with a huff.

"Wonder what lead he was following. Hopefully someone to do with Penelope, or Marissa, or whatever we're calling her now." Holly gestured in the air wildly. She held a straw with the other hand, and you could just see the healthy greeness going up the straw into her flawless lips, that proceeded to light up her lawless features.

The basement door opened and Lockwood stood there, he was breathing heavy, even more sweat along his face. "Morning, George, morning Hol." He breathed and went straight to the tap, grabbing a glass off the draining board and filling it with water.
"You're lucky this time, Lockwood." George said slyly and stood up, plate in hand.
"Mhm." Lockwood sighed.
"Are you alright?" Holly asked, tilting her head.
"Yeah, of course." He smiled widely, but I didn't miss the flash of his eyes as they passed along me before reaching Holly.

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